The Second-hand Uniform Shop (SUS) provides a means for parents to buy good condition second-hand Abingdon School uniform which has either been outgrown or unclaimed from lost property. Items may be donated, so that the school receives 100% of sale price or sold on the behalf of a parent who will receive 60% of the sale price.

The SUS is run by a team of volunteers and is open most Saturdays (11.00am – 12.00pm) and Wednesdays (12.30pm – 1.30pm) during term time. The shop is located in Faringdon Lodge and is well signposted on entering the grounds. When visiting the shop, please park at Faringdon Lodge Reception. The postcode for this is OX14 1BQ.

Summer Term 2024 opening dates

  • Saturday 20 April
  • Wednesday 24 April
  • Saturday 27 April
  • Wednesday 8 May
  • Saturday 11 May
  • Wednesday 15 May
  • Saturday 18 May
  • Wednesday 22 May
  • Saturday 25 May, 9.30am – 4.30pm
  • Wednesday 5 June
  • Saturday 8 June
  • Wednesday 12 June
  • Saturday 15 June
  • Wednesday 19 June
  • Saturday 22 June
  • Wednesday 26 June
  • Thursday 27 June, 9.30am – 4.30pm (Induction Day)
  • Saturday 29 June
  • Wednesday 3 July

Michaelmas Term 2024 opening dates

  • Monday 2 September, 9.00am – 4.30pm (Induction Day)
  • Wednesday 4 September
  • Saturday 7 September
  • Wednesday 11 September
  • Saturday 14 September
  • Wednesday 18 September
  • Saturday 21 September
  • Wednesday 25 September
  • Saturday 28 September
  • Wednesday 2 October
  • Saturday 5 October
  • Wednesday 9 October
  • Saturday 12 October
  • Wednesday 6 November
  • Saturday 9 November
  • Wednesday 13 November
  • Saturday 16 November
  • Wednesday 20 November
  • Saturday 23 November
  • Wednesday 27 November
  • Saturday 30 November
  • Wednesday 4 December
  • Saturday 7 December

Please note that the SUS can only accept payment by cash or immediate bank transfer. We do not have credit card facilities on site.

Getting involved

If you have a few spare hours we would love some help in the shop. This involves, at most, 2-3 hours a term working in a friendly environment with one other volunteer helper – please contact us.

How to sell your second hand uniform

We accept outgrown, good condition, school regulation uniform. If you have articles you wish to sell please bring them to SUS laundered or dry cleaned and labelled with the name and email address of the person to whom any payment should be made.

We have a pricing schedule, and at the end of the summer, send 60% of the proceeds to the person named on the price label. Articles remaining unsold after two years are disposed of and we use our discretion as to what will sell.