These extension clubs provide a tremendous opportunity to broaden minds, whether it’s learning a new language, investigating topics not covered in the curriculum or considering issues in more depth than can be covered in lessons.
AFA Creative Writing
AFA Creative Writing
Abingdon is one of only nine schools nationally to offer the new AFA in Creative Writing, an exciting, two-year A Level style course, which is officially recognised by UCAS. The course, which is offered exclusively to the Sixth Form, is aimed at students who have loved writing throughout their time at school and want to continue and develop into the Sixth Form. In the first year, students are encouraged to write in a range of styles and genres, and in the second, there is the opportunity to specialise in their chosen form, be it poetry, drama, prose fiction or non-fiction. There is one taught lesson per fortnight, and a weekly workshop, which, as a dedicated one-hour session, forms a central part of the course, where students give feedback on each other’s work, under the supervision of a teacher.
Cartwright Group
Cartwright Group
Open to all Middle School pupils who wish to explore mathematical patterns, investigate new areas of maths and develop their mathematical thinking skills. The group have solved live problems on nrich and have had solutions published. Many weeks the group work through the UKMT Maths follow on rounds and mentoring problem sheets. We have a relaxed atmosphere, enjoy good company and would welcome new members!
Classics Club
Classics Club
Third Year Classics Club
For all those keen to explore more about the Classical world beyond what they might study in Latin, Greek or Ancient History. Each term has a different focus, ranging through Gods and Heroes, Epic, Daily Life in the cities of Rome and Athens, the greatest plays of Greek drama, the best buildings of the ancient world, and Alexander the Great.
Lower School Classics Club
For all those keen to explore more about ancient language and culture. Each term is different: Gods and heroes, Linguistics (or how language works) and Ancient buildings.
Edmund Society

Edmund Society
The Edmund Society is a club for members of the School with a passion for philosophical discourse and discussion. It is an activity aimed predominantly at sixth formers where a variety of material is covered, including, but by no means limited to, epistemology, symbolic logic and the philosophy of science. On top of regular meetings the Society looks to put on one lecture per term, and guests have included Peter Hitchens, Prof. Michael Lacewing and Prof. Stephen Mulhall, with talks on the political situation of the Ukraine, epistemology and Ludwig Wittgenstein respectively.
French & German Film Club
French & German Film Club
This club is open to anyone who has an interest in French and German cinema and those attending need not have any knowledge of those languages or be studying them at GCSE/A Level.
French Board Games Society
French Board Games Society
This club is open to all pupils from 1st Year to Upper Sixth. If you enjoy card or board games, how about playing them using the French versions whilst speaking French? This is a great opportunity to learn idiomatic expressions and to practise your spoken French in a more relaxed and fun environment.
History and Politics Society

History and Politics Society
Third, fourth or fifth year? Come along to History and Politics Society to discuss the key issues of the day, watch relevant documentaries, take part in heated discussions and debate, watch films and write the occasional article for our online publication! Politics is current and exciting – whether it is Brexit, Trump, Saudi Arabia, the European Union, Venezuela, terrorism or global warming… we discuss it, watch it, write about it and more!
Joint activity with SHSK
Joint Literary Society

Joint Literary Society
Do you want to broaden your mind, read more widely, become more interesting, cultured, imaginative, and generally well-versed in intellectual discussion? The Joint Literary Society is a chance to read and discuss literature from around, above, beyond, below, and indeed nowhere near the syllabus. Here you can encounter writing and ideas from the most classic to the most contemporary of writers and become a literary critic and connoisseur in the company of Abingdon’s and St Helen’s finest minds.
Rumour has it that the eating of cake may also be a central feature of this society.
If you are in L6 and interested in reading, literature, culture, discussion and cake, or indeed you are considering applying to read English at University, then please do come along.
Joint Modern Languages Society

Joint Modern Languages Society
The Modern Languages Department runs a series of events throughout the year in conjunction with St Helen’s. The Society is co-organised by a committee of sixth form linguists at both schools. The Society is not only for students studying modern languages (French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Russian…) but any Sixth Formers interested in languages, language learning and other cultures. Events include social evenings, dinners, film showings, visits to the theatre/cinema and talk by visiting speakers. Details published on an ad hoc basis.
Linguistics Club
Linguistics Club
Linguistics Club is for anyone interested in finding out more about how language works. We share some linguistics puzzles based on questions from the UK Linguistics Olympiad, and this is good preparation for competing in that in the Lent term; but the emphasis is enjoying discovering linguistic principles.
Joint activity with SHSK
Lower School Geography Club
Lower School Geography Club
The Lower School Geography Club encompasses a range of different aspects of Geography as well as a multitude of skills. The club will include using GIS, developing map skills, watching a range of Geographical documentaries, blog writing, fieldwork and creative geography alongside potential competitions. It is open to all Lower School pupils.
Lower School History Club

Lower School History Club
This club is designed for those interested in fun activities related to history. Past activities have included the making of helmets and swords, constructing models of castles and battlefield scenes and big screen viewing of history-based movies and favourites such as ‘Blackadder’.
Lower School Maths Puzzle Club

Lower School Maths Puzzle Club
We meet to explore interesting and quirky areas of maths, play mathematical and logic-based games, and pit our wits against puzzling challenges. Everyone is welcome, even if you don’t feel that you’re a maths whizz!
LS Language Cooking & Baking Club
LS Language Cooking & Baking Club
Discover the cuisine of our MFL countries! In this club we will cook, bake & eat typical dishes of the countries where German and French is spoken. You will get the opportunity to pick up some French and German words and to take part in the annual Weihnachtsplätzchenbackwettbewerb (German Christmas Cookie Competition). Guten Appetit & bon appétit!
Maths Sixth Form Enrichment
Maths Sixth Form Enrichment
The members of this club will consider challenging but enjoyable problems in Mathematics, ranging from UKMT questions, to MAT questions and STEP questions, and other problems on other entrance exam papers. The club is particularly relevant to those considering applying to university for a course with a strong mathematical requirement, such as Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or Engineering or allied courses. We may also consider university-level mathematics. We have considered the SIR model for modelling the spread of infectious disease, and aspects of multivariable calculus. We have also provided our members with extra opportunities to participate in Mathematics competitions, such as the International Youth Math Challenge, the Ritangle competition and the Princeton challenge.
Poetry by Heart

Poetry by Heart
Open to anyone from third year to upper sixth with a love of poetry and an interest in exploring the art of verse speaking. Students learn poems by heart and enter a national competition if they wish. This group also takes part in National Poetry Day activities and helps to promote a love of poetry across the school.
Sixth Form History Society
Sixth Form History Society
An opportunity to listen to talks from distinguished visiting historians – and to discuss historical topics, informally. A range of topics will be addressed, often tied to the A level syllabus – but also designed to broaden historical perspectives. The society also stages a Christmas Quiz and end of term social gatherings.
Spanish Cinema Club
Spanish Cinema Club
If you are currently studying Spanish in sixth form, or speak some Spanish and are interested in learning about Spanish culture, this will be the club for you! The Spanish department’s purpose is to provide this weekly chance to have a deeper experience of the Hispanic world, that is, Spain and Latin America. A programme that includes movies, series, comedies, sports, and music is already in place, however, suggestions will be welcome.
The Geog Blog – the Geography Blogging Society
The Geog Blog – the Geography Blogging Society
Geography encompasses a range of hotly discussed topics in society today including inequality, climate change, environmental sustainability and the shrinking of our global community. There are so many topics to discuss and share opinions and thoughts on. The Geog Blog aims to give budding Geographers, writers, politicians and campaigners a platform to share thoughts and ideas as well as their research on contemporary topics across not only the Abingdon platform but the wider online community. The Geog Blog will also seek to work with other local schools.