Abingdon is committed to ensuring all our students, whatever their individual learning profile, are supported throughout their time at School in order for them to thrive academically.

The School has a dedicated Academic Support Department located in the heart of the school.  It is staffed by our full-time Head of Academic Support, two full time teachers and a department administrator who work together with teachers, our pastoral team, our students themselves and their parents to ensure our students’ strengths are understood, and their needs are met (within reasonable adjustment), during their time at Abingdon.

We tailor our approach to each student’s level of need. Throughout their time at Abingdon, students are encouraged to take an active role in managing their learning and setting themselves high standards. If students are referred to the Academic Support Department, parents will be informed of the recommendations, actions and interventions, in line with the School reporting cycle.

The main forms of intervention offered by our Academic Support Department include: small groups for study skills in exam years; short term one to one lessons, for areas identified through collaboration with teachers; and review of exam arrangements and performance. Lessons are organised on a rotational basis to minimise disruption to the curriculum. Subject teachers may also offer revision ‘clinics’ and will make reasonable adjustments in class as recommended by the Academic Support Department. Students may be offered support at any time during their school career.

The vast majority of students follow the full curriculum. In very exceptional circumstances, some students are permitted a slight adjustment to/reduction of the curriculum, to allow for longer-term one to one support. This will only be put in place following close consultation with the Deputy Head Academic, teachers, the student themselves and their parents.

It sometimes becomes apparent that a student needs a formal assessment for SEND by an educational psychologist, or other specialists, so that their learning profile can be fully understood. A formal assessment is also a requirement for access arrangements in public examinations. As per the School’s Access Arrangements Policy, these are subject to the Examination Boards’ published regulations. In line with our Admissions Policy, the School permits access arrangements for entrance tests, provided there is valid and up to date evidence in the form of a formal report as above.

This outline should be read in conjunction with the School’s SEND and Academic Support Policy, with the Access Arrangements Policy and with the Admissions Policy found on the School Policies webpage.

Mrs Sarah Beynon, Head of Academic Support