School life at Abingdon revolves around different communities ranging from students’ houses and tutor groups, clubs and societies to the Amey Theatre and Chapel. There are also numerous parents’ groups providing very valuable help, support and networks.

Pupils are divided, according to year group, into three “Schools”, Lower, Middle and Upper School (or the Sixth Form). Each student is a member of a house under the care of a Head of House and also belongs to a tutor group, within each house. Students meet daily with their tutor, who is the principal liaison between a pupil, the teachers, school and home. In addition, each year group meets once a week in Chapel to share in an inter-denominational act of worship.

Abingdon is very much a part of the wider community, sharing our facilities with local clubs and organisations. During their years at Abingdon, all students will spend some time pursuing a service activity which may include helping in the local community, whether at local primary schools, visiting the sick and elderly, conservation or volunteering.

From the School’s foundation over 750 years ago, Abingdon has provided an education for able children from the local community through scholarships, as a grammar school or via the direct grant scheme. Since becoming an independent school, Abingdon has given financial support to pupils whose parents could not otherwise afford the fees, through free and subsidised places.

For a further glimpse into life at Abingdon, please view our video clips page.