Debating has a long tradition at Abingdon. Whether it’s current affairs, religion, philosophy or books that is of interest, there are plenty of clubs and activities to choose from with opportunities to discuss and share ideas. Listed below are just some of the examples.
Christian Forum
Christian Forum
An opportunity for all year groups to explore the Christian faith through discussion, videos, guest speakers and Bible study, with games and food as an added incentive! We’ll be looking at questions like, How does Christianity relate to contemporary issues? Can science and faith go together? Why should we bother with an ancient book like the Bible? What difference does faith make in everyday life?
Confirmation Preparation
For most people, becoming a Christian is like a journey. The journey involves faith but also doubt, lots of questions and some surprising and wonderful answers. The journey is unique to each one of us and yet it works best when we share it with others. The confirmation class is an important part of the journey of faith. It is designed for those considering the possibility of becoming an adult member of the Anglican Church and leads to a memorable confirmation service. The course will consist of three components: What Christians believe, How Christians grow and Living the Christian Life. Food will be provided.
Debating Society
Debating Society
Allegedly Abingdon’s oldest non-sporting society, the Debating Society is the place to argue and form opinions about a variety of topics and motions. If you love an argument, or generally thrive on controversy, this is the society for you.
We have debated everything from the serious politics of the Falklands and the National Health Service to rather more abstract ideas such as whether we should follow our dreams in life, via the thorny issues of organ donation and torturing terrorists. In the open debates on Friday, volunteer speakers put their views across in speeches before the debate gets opened up to the floor, when all the other people who have opinions get their say, and lively disagreement inevitably ensues.
We also enter teams into a number of national competitions in debating and public speaking and run workshops to help you improve your debating skills. Throughout the year, we arrange popular dinner debates with girls’ schools for the senior members of the society. Within the Debating Society there are opportunities for Sixth Form pupils to meet in smaller groups to hold debates – and there is a workshop aimed at Middle School pupils to help them develop debating and public speaking skills.
For the Lower School, there is an opportunity for pupils to hone their public speaking skills while debating topical issues. Joint debates with St Helen’s can be arranged over the course of the year.
Joint Communication Skills Club
Joint Communication Skills Club
We will be working on a wide range of communication and presentation skills, including crafting your message, connecting with your audience, and using props or visual aids effectively.
Law Mooting Society
Law Mooting Society
Law Mooting Society offers insights and training in legal advocacy. It’s for any Fourth or Fifth Year student thinking of applying to read law at university or simply interested in gaining a greater understanding of the principles of law and in learning how to build and defend legal arguments. Members of LMS take part in simulated court cases, often based on real life cases. This requires them to research a legal issue, draft a submission and participate in oral debate against an opposing counsel and before a judge. LMS provides workshops and training sessions to help members develop the skills they need to become confident and competent advocates. An integral part of legal training for centuries, Mooting is intellectually challenging, sometimes nerve-racking, and generally a lot of fun.
Law Society
Law Society
Sixth Form Law Society is for anyone interested in Law, whether that’s because they’re thinking of applying to read Law at university or for pure enjoyment. Core activities include ‘Moots’ (mock trials) and debates on varied aspects of Law, in which everyone takes an active part; other activities include occasional outside speakers plus workshops supporting university applications.
Joint activity with SHSK
Mindfulness Club
Mindfulness Club
Mindfulness club provides a quiet and focused space for students to learn about, and try out, some of the practices of mindfulness. We learn about the principles behind mindfulness, try out focused meditation (using the “Headspace” website as our guide), and talk about how to apply the principles throughout the rest of the week. Students have said it has helped improve their focus, and helps them recognise the joy in the every day.
Model United Nations
Model United Nations
Through the Model United Nations Society we take delegations along to conferences throughout the year at other schools. At these we represent a country’s interest in debates. It’s an excellent way of building legal, political and debating experience as well as broadening knowledge of current and international affairs and socialising with other schools.
As an introduction to MUN, there is a Young MUN for Third Year students.
Reading Groups
Reading Groups
Reading Groups are for students who want to be adventurous in their reading and enjoy wide-ranging discussions of what they like and don’t like in a book. Groups collectively decide which books to read together, typically getting through two or three in a term.
Books and Biscuits – Lower School
The Lower School group focuses on fiction. In the Summer Term, we join with other local schools to shadow the annual Carnegie medal for the best children’s book of the year.
Novels and Nibbles – Third Year
Reading and Refreshments – Fourth Year
The Third and Fourth Year groups cover both fiction and non-fiction. Our discussions are wide-ranging and include the significance of literature and ideas in society.
Sixth Form Debating
Sixth Form Debating
The Sixth Form Debating group meets every Thursday, principally to discuss ideas related to the weekly motion to be debated at the full Debating Society on Friday, although depending on the wishes of the group we also debate separate motions, practise speechwriting, hold balloon debates and even teach the basics of debating etiquette for beginners. Whether you’re a debating novice or seasoned expert, you’ll find something for you here.