29 Nov 2019


This week’s mailing is:


Driving along roads close to School

Parents are asked to consider local residents when driving round the narrow roads close to School, and also to adhere to the speed limit of 20mph along Park Road and Park Crescent, which are private roads.


  • Wednesday 4 and Friday 6 December at 7pm – Grand Christmas Concerts.  We hope that many parents will have already applied for tickets for our major school music events of the term – if not, it’s not too late! We give the concert twice so that we can accommodate everyone in a theatre that has a capacity of about 450. All the school’s major ensembles will be represented – First, Second and Chamber Orchestras, Brass, Big and Symphonic Wind Bands, Gospel, Joint Chamber and First Year Choirs. Some of the music to be played will have a Christmas theme. We expect the concerts to end at about 9.30pm.  Please join us! Tickets are available from the Box Office.
  • Friday 6 December – Chapel Choir sings Court Service at Mercers’ Hall, City of London.  Parents of boys in Chapel Choir will have already been notified of this all-day trip to London which precedes the Friday Christmas Concert.
  • Wednesday 11 December at 7.30pm – Winter Concert of the Thames Vale Youth Orchestra.  Come and hear talented musicians from many local schools, both independent and maintained. We have an exciting programme of music by Scottish composer, McCunn (Overture: Land of the Mountain and the Flood), American, Aaron Copland (Four Dance Episodes from the ballet, Rodeo) and Bizet’s Music from Carmen. If you are considering an instrument for your son, this would be a great introduction to the orchestra. Tickets at the door or from the Box Office.
  • Thursday 12 December at 6.30pm, St Michael’s Church, Park Road – School Carol Service for Parents.  The Chapel Choir sings traditional carols.

Abingdon Box Office

Better U Young Enterprise

Better U is a Young Enterprise company which aims to improve mental health through exercise. To do this they have made a book full of exercises that can be done by anybody, anytime, anywhere.  It comes with a resistance band and a gym discount that can be used at PureGym, the second biggest gym in the country, worth £20 all in a wrapped box for only £10.  They can be contacted by completing this form.

News from the Week

Food menu for the coming week – Week 3 

Here is the link to previous weekly mailings.

For forthcoming events, here is the link to the School Calendar.