We hope that the website provides you with a good introduction to Abingdon and the virtual tour will give you a taste of some of our facilities, but there is nothing quite like actually being here to really appreciate our campus and the unique atmosphere that is Abingdon.

We have a range of visit opportunities for parents and students, please see details below.

If any of your group has a disability or access requirements which we should take into account when arranging your visit, please let us know in advance by emailing [email protected].

Events for parents

Open Day

Our next whole school Open Day is taking place on Saturday 5 October 2024 and is an opportunity to meet current students and staff, and explore all our facilities including academic departments and Other Half extracurricular activities.

Book Open Day

Discover Abingdon Open Mornings

Our Discover Abingdon events are mini open mornings for parents whose child is looking to join Abingdon in the next few years. These events are intended to be for parents only and involve a tour of the school, an address and Q&A session with the Head and senior staff from our academic, pastoral and admissions departments.


Private appointments

The appointments include a meeting with the Head of Admissions and a tour of the school. They can be in person events at school or they can take place over Zoom or the telephone.


Abingdon Prep Open Mornings 

We hold a series of Open mornings and events throughout the year at Abingdon Prep. They can be booked here.

Events for students

Taster Mornings

We hold taster mornings for students looking to join us in the First Year or Third Year. They are usually held on a Saturday morning and they provide the opportunity to experience lessons and Other Half extracurricular activities. Parents are invited to join us at the end of the taster morning to meet staff and the admissions team and take part in a Q&A session.


If any of your group has a disability or access requirements which we should take into account when arranging your visit, please let us know in advance.

If you have any queries then please do get in touch by email or phone +44 (0)1235 849041.

You are also very welcome to get in touch with our Prep School which has separate arrangements for visits.