At 13+, academic and music scholarships are offered before entry to Abingdon School, via an assessment process which takes place in the Spring of Year 8. Only students who have a confirmed offer of a place at the school may apply. Art, design & technology, drama and sport scholarships are also offered, but not until after joining Abingdon School, at the end of the third year.


What are we looking for?

A number of awards will be made to students who demonstrate academic excellence and intellectual curiosity across a range of subjects. Award holders are expected to set an example to their peers in the manner in which they go about their work, making connections between their subjects, questioning received wisdom and always looking to extend their knowledge beyond what they learn in the classroom. We are looking for scholars to be leaders within the school through their enthusiasm, initiative, imagination and dedication.

Scholars’ Programme

There is an extensive programme of after-school lectures, trips and presentations for scholars organised by the Head of Scholars. Academic scholars are expected to participate fully in this programme as well as attend the annual scholars’ dinner.

The 13+ Assessment Process

Only students who have a confirmed offer of a place at the school may apply. For students at a UK based prep school, all applications are made via their school. Students attending other types of schools, including from the maintained sector and from overseas, may be invited to apply directly, on the strength of their entry assessments. Please contact the Admissions team for further information and guidance.

All 13+ candidates are expected to sit papers in a number of subjects, as well as attend a scholarship interview. UK based students will sit papers in English, Mathematics, Science, Latin, a Modern Foreign Language, Humanities and a General Paper. Exemptions in one or more papers may be applied if a student is not currently studying the subject.

International students will sit papers in Maths, English and one other subject, as well as a General paper. These papers have been designed to stretch and challenge the most able pupils, whilst taking into account the curriculum differences that may have been experienced. Students may sit their assessments overseas at one of our authorised invigilation centres. Please contact the Admissions team for further information.


What are we looking for?

A number of awards are made to candidates who demonstrate exceptional musical potential in at least two instruments, one of which may be voice. Particular consideration will be given to candidates who will be able to contribute to our main ensembles.

As a guide, successful candidates are typically between grade 6 and grade 8 distinction standard. As well as demonstrating ability on an instrument, any other evidence of musicianship, such as composition, will be taken into account, and candidates will benefit if they have some singing experience.

The Director of Music welcomes informal pre-auditions to advise on suitability and these can be arranged by contacting the Admissions team.

Scholars’ Programme

Music scholarships at Abingdon enable enthusiastic and committed musicians to gain a high quality musical experience in a vibrant music department. It is expected that music scholars will participate fully in the wide range of ensembles, concerts and recitals in the school, and play a leading role in the life of this active department. They will be invited to participate in the scholars’ programme of lectures and dinners, as well as a separate programme of events and trips focused particularly on music.

To support their development as a musician, they will be offered free tuition in one instrument by a teacher at the school. The benefit cannot be transferred to lessons taken outside the school’s Music Department.

Previous music scholars have successfully entered regional and national competitions, and played for national ensembles such as the National Youth Orchestra.

The 13+ Assessment Process

Applications are made via your son’s prep school, or for candidates from the maintained sector or overseas, please contact the Admissions team for an application form.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an audition and be asked to play two contrasting pieces on their main instrument and play one or two pieces on their second instrument (or prepare a vocal solo if the candidate is an experienced singer).

They will also have an interview with the Director of Music in which they will discuss the pieces they offered at the audition and their wider musical interests and enthusiasms.