This week's mailing is:
- To parents of Sixth form pupils – Joint Sixth Form MFL Society Annual Dinner and Cultural Evening
- To parents of Sixth form pupils – Duke of Edinburgh Award Gold Level
Trips Information – Residential Trips 2019/20
For the benefit of new parents, and those here last year, a spreadsheet of trips details is on the website.
Open Day: Saturday 28 September – 9.30am-12.30pm
Open Day is an occasion for all the family, with activities, displays and demonstrations about all aspects of the School. The Day runs from 9.30 until 12.30pm. All boys, EXCEPT first years who are not involved in an activity such as an orchestra or band, are expected to attend and should arrive at School no later than 8.45am to register before beginning their Open Day activities. Boys on school buses should go straight to registration when their bus arrives. Request for absence on this day should, as usual, be made to the housemaster, as for a single weekday absence. For boys wishing to miss School sports fixtures, parents should write to the Headmaster, as usual, copying in the Director of Sport and PE, Pete Bignell. For boys who use the joint bus service, all the morning routes will be operating the weekday schedule running 30 minutes later than usual. For the return journey, the weekday 5.20pm service will depart on all usual routes from the coach park at 1pm.
Talk – To Our Brothers: Memorials to a Lost Generation in British Schools, by Sarah Wearne, archivist of Abingdon School, Tuesday 17 September, 7pm at the Unicorn Theatre, Medieval Abbey Buildings, Checker Walk, Abingdon OX14 3JB
How did a nation famous for its stiff upper lip manage to convey its grief, its love and its pride for some of the thousands of young men who died in its service during the Great War? This talk will use beautiful photographs of the memorials, some designed by famous architects and members of the Arts and Crafts movement, to show how they used the language and iconography of Britain's past to articulate what words alone could not.
Chaplaincy Welcome Event and Parents' Prayer Group Thursday 3 October, 7.45pm, Sports Centre Hospitality Suite.
This will be a joint meeting with SHSK, Abingdon Prep and the Manor Prep. All parents are very welcome to come and learn about the spiritual life of the schools and about various Christian activities. Our guest speaker will be Alix Stockwell, Development Director of the Independent Schools Christian Association. There will also be a presentation from Anthony Bewes, Director of Lymington Rushmore, an organisation that supports the work of chaplaincies in independent schools and runs outstanding holidays and revision camps. If you would like any further information, contact the Chaplain, Rev Dr Simon Steer ([email protected])
Abingdon Music Society Quiz Night and Family Supper – Friday 8 November, 7pm, CMR
Gillian Powter, the Chairman of the Music Society writes as follows: The whole family is invited to a fun and sociable Quiz Night and Spanish inspired 3 course meal. It's a great opportunity for parents, boys, siblings and grandparents to socialise, whilst enjoying a relaxed evening to end a busy week; a cash bar will be available. The School Music Society is organising the evening, but don't worry, you need not be a music scholar to join in! We have a star Quiz Master – Headmaster Michael Windsor and questions will be far-ranging from the downright silly to the more erudite. There may even be the odd musical one! Tickets will be available soon via the School Box Office.
School Policies
Parents are reminded that School Policies are available under the “About” & then “Governance” menu of the website. They are reviewed and updated from time to time.
Abingdon Michaelmas Fair: Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 October and Abingdon Runaway Fair: Monday 14 October
Parents should expect that traffic flow in Abingdon will be severly disrupted by the Abingdon Fairs. On Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 October vehicle entry to Park Road and Park Crescent will only be via the gate on Faringdon Road (along from the Coach Park).
News from the week:
- My first week at Abingdon
- GB Racketlon Team Selection
- ASP visit Caldecott Primary School
- Rugby Week 1
- Lower School Assistants on duty
- Scholars’ Induction
- Edinburgh Fringe Success
- Bridge experts past and present
- Peer Support Mentors