We operate a system of Direct Billing where instrumental teachers bill parents direct each term, in advance, for an average of 11 lessons (33 over the academic year).

In the Michaelmas term, teachers aim to teach 13 lessons but parents are billed for 11, given that 10 lessons only are usually possible in the following two terms. In Lent and Summer terms, 11 lessons are billed but only 10 are taught in each. Adjustments are made in the Summer term’s invoice from the music teacher to parent.

The hourly rate for music lessons is £54.70, resulting in termly bills of 11 half-hour lessons = £300.85 per instrument.

Sheet music and accessories bought by the School are placed and itemised on the school bills sent to parents. These items are thus billed in arrears.

Parents are requested to settle the accounts for lessons sent direct to them by the first day of each term by cheque payable or direct transfer to the teacher concerned (not the school).

Students holding music awards who qualify for school financed lessons will have their school accounts credited in advance of the teachers’ invoice being submitted, so will then be in a position to settle the bill in the usual way – that is, direct to the teacher.

Like most other schools with busy music departments, we arrange rotating music lessons for pupils from First Year through to Fifth Year. This enables us to minimise disruption to the pupils’ academic timetables. The exceptions to this policy are made, where possible, when a pupil studies more than one musical instrument and when pupils reach the Sixth Form. In the case of the latter, the lessons are arranged during the pupils’ private study periods or other non-academic times so that academic lessons are never lost.

If you wish your child to commence or withdraw from music lessons, please email the Music Secretary at [email protected].

Withdrawal from instrumental lessons

Parents should note that a complete academic term’s notice is required in writing to the Music Department Secretary, Caren Hardiman ([email protected]), copying in the Director of Music, for withdrawal from lessons or a full term’s fees are payable in lieu of such notice.

In line with many schools with large and strong music departments, the music lessons for Lower and Middle School students are organised by means of carefully worked rotations which minimise any disruption to academic lessons. Our academic lessons are either 50 or 55 minutes long, so a typical 30 minute music lesson will enable a student to catch part of that lesson. Students who study several instruments should have one in an extra curricular slot or free period where possible. Students in the Sixth Form are prioritised in the timetabling by music teachers and will use one of their private study lessons, before school, lunchtimes or period 8 for a music lesson. Where possible, the individual music teacher will timetable students to their preference however it is inevitable that there will be rotation within this timetable. We expect students to check and respond to their emails regularly and to raise any clashes with their individual music teacher in the first instance.

Attendance at music lessons

Students are expected to attend music lessons on a regular basis. When students fail to attend a lesson, the school operates a system which usually enables a child to be contacted in their subject lessons, reminded and collected.

Sometimes the absence of a student is due to forgetfulness or illness. In such cases lessons will be charged in the normal way. However, if sufficient notice of more than 48 hours is given to the individual music teacher, it may be possible for the schedules to be amended to allow for a student to come at a different time.

The school’s policy is for students to become actively involved in the management of their time, to take responsibility for prompt and regular attendance and to alert their instrumental teacher to any individual problems they may have.

Reconciliation of instrumental bills

In the summer term, pupils in Fifth Year and Upper Sixth are not expected to receive lessons during the period of Public Examinations. Instrumental teachers will take account of any such shortfalls in number of lessons taught and the summer term invoices will reflect this fact. Students in the Upper Sixth are likely to be billed by teachers for 6 lessons only in this term (5 taught), i.e, 13+10+5 (taught) = 11+11+6 (charged). Likewise, students in Fifth Year are likely to be charged for only 2 or 3 lessons as a result of study leave.

Security of instruments

It is imperative that all instruments are named clearly both on the inside and outside of cases. Parents are strongly advised to keep a careful note of make, model and serial numbers as well as original invoices for instruments. All instruments should be stored in appropriate lockers and shelves when not in use.

Hire of school instruments

Instruments are available for hire from the school at a cost of £40 per term. This cost is the same for every instrument hired and will automatically roll over from term to term unless a term’s notice is given to the Music Department Secretary. If damage occurs to a school hired instrument, the Music Department will review the damage and seek professional opinion on the cost of repair. This cost will then be passed to the parent.

Insurance of instruments

All musical instruments should be adequately insured. It is advisable to have instruments valued by a reputable firm and added to Home Contents insurance but should be covered for All Risks.