Students are nominated to receive a Head’s Praise for exceptional achievements and contribution to school life.

Headmaster’s Praise – 25 May 2018

25 May 2018

Today seven boys came for Headmaster's praise:

  • Krishan Handa for a fantastic innings of 49 & 2 wickets in the recent match vs Bradfield, and also his role as Captain of U15C cricket. The C Team are out-performing all opposition and could easily be playing for the B team in all other years.
  • Edward Hayes for acting as an ambassador for the school at the Chandlings Next Steps Evening.
  • Dan Keeble for volunteering to give a tour to a visiting family. Feedback from the family was that he did an excellent job and was a great ambassador for the school.
  • Henry Lykke Dahn for his fantastic innings of 66 not out, 3 wickets and a direct hit run out in the match vs Bradfield recently. The C Team are out-performing all opposition and could easily be playing for the B team in all other years.
  • Henry Muller for acting as an ambassador for the school at the Chandlings Next Steps Evening.
  • Yazan Odeh for his outstanding work on the Headmaster's taster morning helping a child who was very anxious.
  • Oliver Paton for his fantastic innings of 57 not out in the match vs Bradfield recently. The C Team are out-performing all opposition and could easily be playing for the B team in all other years.

Headmaster’s Praise – 16 May 2018

16 May 2018

Today six boys came for Headmaster's praise:

  • James Gibson for making it through to the YE area final as Finance Director and part of the presentation team. The team has performed consistently well throughout the year and won best online campaign.
  • Aryann Gupta for consistently demonstrating high levels of diligence and commitment to his French studies. Aryann is always keen to push himself and regularly ask for extra work to be done outside of lessons. The quality of his work is very good.
  • James Hall for being a supeb Head of House this past year. He has been proactive, helpful and a great role model to the boys in the house. He has been instrumental in helping Mrs O'Doherty organise events and been reliable throughout.
  • Hugo Leedham for his amazing art work, demonstrating a fantastic use of pen and mark making. He has worked tirelessly on a very detailed fantastical art piece.
  • Sam Penrose for his exceptional annotation and presentation of his GCSE Art sketchbook, showing thoughtful and anaylitical understanding of his own art practice.
  • Noah Williams for being a superb Head of House this past year. He has been proactive, helpful and a great role model to the boys in the house. He has managed this role whilst also maintaining a balanced OH and academic life at school. He has shown good humour with the boys and watched out for the younger boys in the house.

Headmaster’s Praise – 11 May 2018

11 May 2018

Today 16 boys came for Headmaster's praise:

  • Cameron Aitken for his diligent and mature attitude to his A-level Art exam, working and preparing independently.
  • Geordie Anderson for gaining the joint highest number of commendations (16) in the second year in the Lent Term.
  • Rory Bishop for making it through to the area YE final as MD of team XYLO. The team won best online campaign and has performed consistently well throughout the year.
  • Ben Crofts for making it through to the YE area final with Team Zero Degrees, where they had to present and set up their stall. Ben has been in charge of the finance and has consistently supported the team.
  • James Gibson for making it through to the YE area final as Finance Director and part of the presentation team. The team won best online campaign and has performed consistently well throughout the year.
  • Toby Hindley for making it through to the YE area final with Team Zero Degrees, where they had to present and set up their stall. Toby has been in charge of the strategy and has consistently supported the team, particularly in selling products.
  • James Hogge for coming 1st overall in the National Cipher Challenge, and winning the GCHQ Prize of £1000. James has come second in the last two years but finally achieved the top prize this year in his final year.
  • Philip Kimber for gaining the highest number of commendations (27) in the First Year in the Lent Term.
  • Nicholas Ko for an excellent electronics project.
  • Max McNally for making it through to the YE area final with Team Zero Degrees, where they had to present and set up their stall. Max has been supporting the team in purchasing products and dealing with suppliers.
  • Dan McNamara for making it through to the YE area final with Team Zero Degrees, where they had to present and set up their stall. Dan is the MD and has helped drive the team to make a very healthy return for the shareholders.
  • Seb Muller for being selected to represent Oxfordshire in the LTA County Championships, winning both his singles matches against Berkshire and Hampshire.
  • Sam Penrose for making it through to the YE area final in charge of manufacturing and designing products. The team won best online campaign and has performed consistently well throughout the year.
  • Mark Taylor for gaining the joint highest number of commendations (16) in the second year in the Lent Term.
  • Ashwin Tennant for achieving a Distinction in the Hamilton Olympiad, placing him in the top 50 pupils across the country who qualified for this Olympiad. 
  • Ethan Webb for winning the Cambridge Corpus Christi College Languages and Linguistics Essay Prize 2018. He wrote an essay on “Is literature fundamentally untranslatable?”

Headmaster’s Praise – 4 May 2018

4 May 2018

Today eight boys came for Headmaster's praise:

  • Oscar Bennett for gaining an outstanding distinction in Grade 8 Singing last term – a stunning mark for a Third Year pupil. He also got a place in the National Youth Choir recently and took part in the Easter course.
  • Oliver Breach for gaining a distinction pass in his ARSM Piano diploma – a very impressive achievement.
  • Aryann Gupta for designing and writting his own website based on the experiences and research surrounding the Syrian migrant crisis – part of population and migration work in Geography.
  • Brooklyn Han for winning a national ABRSM Silver Medal for his outstanding grade 8 Singing result last year of 146/150.
  • Patrick McCubbin for being selected for the team to represent the UK at the International Biology Olympiad 2018 in Tehran, Iran.
  • Nat Reading for showing empathy and maturity in supporting a classmate who has been having a tough year.
  • Jamie Robson for gaining an outstanding disticnction in Grade 8 Singing last term – a stunning mark for a Third Year pupil.
  • Edmond Wang for achieving the maximum 135 points in the Intermediate Grey Kangaroo Maths Challenge.

Headmaster’s Praise – 28 March 2018

28 March 2018

Today 23 boys came for Headmaster's praise:

  • Tom Batchelor for volunteering and participating in the Fitzharrys sixth form science mentoring programme. He planned, organised and delivered three well-taught and well-pitched lessons to 10-12 Year 8 pupils from Abingdon and Fitzharrys – a great effort.
  • Timmy Chiu for being a fantastic help at the ATOM Family Science Fair on Sunday.
  • Henry Churchman-Davies for volunteering and participating in the Fitzharrys sixth form science mentoring programme. He planned, organised and delivered three well-taught and well-pitched lessons to 10-12 Year 8 pupils from Abingdon and Fitzharrys – a great effort.
  • Charlie Craig for volunteering and participating in the Fitzharrys sixth form science mentoring programme. He planned, organised and delivered three well-taught and well-pitched lessons to 10-12 Year 8 pupils from Abingdon and Fitzharrys – a great effort.
  • Alasdair Czaplewski for being a fantastic help at the ATOM Family Science Fair on Sunday.
  • Alec de Jongh for representing China at the recent MCS MUN Conference which won best overall delgation
  • Didier Delgorge for volunteering and participating in the Fitzharrys sixth form science mentoring programme. He planned, organised and delivered three well-taught and well-pitched lessons to 10-12 Year 8 pupils from Abingdon and Fitzharrys – a great effort.
  • Edward Gill for his outstanding sketchbook work towards his GCSE art exam.
  • Michael Lam for being a fantastic help at the ATOM Family Science Fair on Sunday.
  • Jonathan Lee for being a fantastic help at the ATOM Family Science Fair on Sunday.
  • Alex Lee for volunteering and participating in the Fitzharrys sixth form science mentoring programme. He planned, organised and delivered three well-taught and well-pitched lessons to 10-12 Year 8 pupils from Abingdon and Fitzharrys – a great effort.
  • Martin Man for volunteering and participating in the Fitzharrys sixth form science mentoring programme. He planned, organised and delivered three well-taught and well-pitched lessons to 10-12 Year 8 pupils from Abingdon and Fitzharrys – a great effort.
  • James Moore for volunteering and participating in the Fitzharrys sixth form science mentoring programme. He planned, organised and delivered three well-taught and well-pitched lessons to 10-12 Year 8 pupils from Abingdon and Fitzharrys – a great effort.
  • Isaac Morrow for being a fantastic help at the ATOM Family Science Fair on Sunday.
  • James Ng for volunteering and participating in the Fitzharrys sixth form science mentoring programme. He planned, organised and delivered three well-taught and well-pitched lessons to 10-12 Year 8 pupils from Abingdon and Fitzharrys – a great effort.
  • Freddie Nicholson for being a fantastic help at the ATOM Family Science Fair on Sunday.
  • Toby Rock for winning the Taekwondo British Open Nationals.
  • Calum Steer for qualifying and representing Abingdon and Oxfordshire at the English School's National Cross Country Championships, in which he finished 68th best in the country. 
  • Calvin Tan for being a fantastic help at the ATOM Family Science Fair on Sunday and for volunteering and participating in the Fitzharrys sixth form science mentoring programme. He planned, organised and delivered three well-taught and well-pitched lessons to 10-12 Year 8 pupils from Abingdon and Fitzharrys – a great effort.
  • Oliver Williams for being a fantastic help at the ATOM Family Science Fair on Sunday.
  • Kevin Yuan for being a fantastic help at the ATOM Family Science Fair on Sunday.
  • Louis Yue for being a fantastic help at the ATOM Family Science Fair on Sunday.
  • Andy Zhang for volunteering and participating in the Fitzharrys sixth form science mentoring programme. He planned, organised and delivered three well-taught and well-pitched lessons to 10-12 Year 8 pupils from Abingdon and Fitzharrys – a great effort.

Headmaster’s Praise – 23 March 2018

23 March 2018

Today 17 boys came for Headmaster's praise:

  • Henry Barlow for qualifying and representing Oxfordshire at the English Schools National Cross Country Championships in Leeds.
  • Louis Brosnan for representing China at the recent MCS MUN Conference which won best overall delgation.
  • David Bunn for qualifying and representing Oxfordshire at the English Schools National Cross Country Championships in Leeds.
  • Alasdair Czaplewski for organising a university style Security Council as part of the recent Abingdon MUN Mock Conference. Alasdair planned the entire event and drafted all briefing papers for all the delegates taking part. He was also part of the China delegation at MCS which won best overall delegation.
  • Alec de Jongh for representing China at the recent MCS MUN Conference which won best overall delgation.
  • Silas Gill for being part of the U18 Bath & Otter Cup squad that finished 9th in the country in both the 4 x 100m Freestyle Rleay and 4 x 50m Medley Relay.
  • Patrick Gwillim-Thomas for representing China at the recent MCS MUN Conference which won best overall delgation.
  • Raman Handa for representing Myanmar at the recent MCS MUN Conference and being awarded best delegate in the Historical committee.
  • Matthew Kunov for qualifying and representing Oxfordshire at the English Schools National Cross Country Championships in Leeds.
  • Alex Mannix for representing China at the recent MCS MUN Conference which won best overall delgation.
  • Rowan Miell-Ingram for qualifying and representing Oxfordshire at the English Schools National Cross Country Championships in Leeds.
  • Fergus Mitchell for qualifying and representing Oxfordshire at the English Schools National Cross Country Championships in Leeds.
  • Freddie Nicholson for building a Theremin from scratch to help explain how the mirrors are cleaned and aligned in the Keck Observatory (Deep Space Observatory).
  • Alex Pennington for qualifying and representing Oxfordshire at the English Schools National Cross Country Championships in Leeds.
  • Hayden Ramm for representing China at the recent MCS MUN Conference which won best overall delgation.
  • Dominic Wood for being part of the winning team in the UKMT Maths Challenge Regional Final – now onto the National Final in London in June. The team dropped very few marks, working excellently as a team.
  • Archie Worth for outstanding independent examination preparation in his sketchbook. Wrote to and interviewed the artist he is researching and really personal and thoughtful analysis of his own and others work.

Headmaster’s Praise – 16 March 2018

16 March 2018

Today 18 boys came for Headmaster's praise:

  • John Allen for assisting with the ATOM Festival Science Market, especially making signage for exhibitors.
  • George Carver for consistently displaying excellent attitude and personal charactersitics in his rowing/coxing. George has been a sterling member of the Boat Club this term: he has been patient and always incredibly helpful and supportive to his squad and coaches. At times it has been diffciult for George to get out on the water but his patience and resilient and postive attitude has been rewarded by coxing an excellent 3rd place in the J16 B event at the Schools’ Head of the River. 
  • Win Cheevadhanarak for being part of the U18 Bath & Otter Cup squad that finished 9th in the country in both the 4 x 100m Freestyle Rleay and 4 x 50m Medley Relay.
  • Simon Chester for being part of the U18 Bath & Otter Cup squad that finished 9th in the country in both the 4 x 100m Freestyle Rleay and 4 x 50m Medley Relay.
  • Silas Gill for being part of the U18 Bath & Otter Cup squad that finished 9th in the country in both the 4 x 100m Freestyle Rleay and 4 x 50m Medley Relay.
  • Philip Grotjahn for being part of the winning team in the UKMT Maths Challenge Regional Final, now going on to the National Final in London in June. The team dropped very few marks, working excellently as a team.
  • James Hogge for helping set up stalls for the ATOM Science Market on Saturday morning.
  • Martin Man for spending several hours on Saturday setting up and taking down stalls for the ATOM Science Market.
  • Patrick McCubbin for reaching the final 16 for the Biology Olympiad (a team selection event for the final 16 candidates takes place in April) and also the last 31 in the Chemistry Olympiad, which is a fantastic achievement.
  • Kai Miles for being part of the U18 Bath & Otter Cup squad that finished 9th in the country in both the 4 x 100m Freestyle Rleay and 4 x 50m Medley Relay.
  • Sinclair Pearce for consistently displaying excellent attitude and personal characteristics in his rowing/coxing. Sinclair has become the glue that knits together the J16 B crew and keeps it progressing so that it can provide a superb learning tool for the boys in enjoying striving for and meeting some of their goals. He always has and remains phenomenally positive, an excellent communicator whose energy and positivity really motivates and energises those around him. He is also very modest. Sinclair's most positive trait is also his sense of personal responsibility and the question I most often hear him ask coaches is “what can I do to improve?”. Sinclair was also part of the crew which finished 3rd in J16 B at the Schools’ Head of the River.
  • Toby Rowles for assisting with selling tickets and giving information to visitors at the ATOM Science Market.
  • Nicholas Skelton for being part of the U18 Bath & Otter Cup squad that finished 9th in the country in both the 4 x 100m Freestyle Rleay and 4 x 50m Medley Relay.
  • Jasper Trilk for stepping up from the U15 C's to the U15A's and having a great game in goal for the School hockey team. Jasper made three outstanding saves to keep a clean sheet. This keeps up the hopes of the A's winning the league.
  • Tom Walters for being part of the winning team in the UKMT Maths Challenge Regional Final, now going on to the National Final in London in June. The team dropped very few marks, working excellently as a team.
  • Edmond Wang for being part of the winning team in the UKMT Maths Challenge Regional Final, now going on to the National Final in London in June. The team dropped very few marks, working excellently as a team.
  • Adam Wentworth for helping when a boy had a seizure during a Business Studies lesson, putting his lifeguard training into practice and acting calmly and professionally.
  • Scott Yap for being part of the U18 Bath & Otter Cup squad that finished 9th in the country in both the 4 x 100m Freestyle Rleay and 4 x 50m Medley Relay.

Headmaster’s Praise – 9 March 2018

9 March 2018

Today four boys came for Headmaster's praise:

  • Fergus Mitchell for umpiring the 1st XI hockey fixtures this term. Fergus has gone above and beyond, turning up to away fixtures and gaining many plaudits from the sideline. He umpires in a professional and calm manner.
  • Ben Shaw for helping to organise and run the English vs Germany football match on the German exchange, as the teacher was away. Ben also wrote an article about the German exchange for the Abingdonian.
  • Alvin Tam for gaining his second performing diploma, this time as a violinist. 
  • Isaac Tan for consistently excellent effort and quality of work in Art throughout the year so far.

Headmaster’s Praise – 23 February 2018

23 February 2018

Today ten boys came for Headmaster's praise:

  • Benjamin Broadbent for effectively leading a group of 4th years to create a new edition of the house magazine Green Pages.
  • Howard Hawkes for winning the High Sheriff of Oxfordshire Law prize: a hugely prestigious prize and the result of a great deal of dedicated work.
  • Sean Kao for competing in the national final of the Senior Team Maths Challenge, and coming an impressive 17th out of 86 final teams (1300 in the total competition)
  • Jonathan Lee for competing in the national final of the Senior Team Maths Challenge, and coming an impressive 17th out of 86 final teams (1300 in the total competition)
  • Harris Ma for competing in the national final of the Senior Team Maths Challenge, and coming an impressive 17th out of 86 final teams (1300 in the total competition)
  • Oliver Muller for performing a French play at Chandlings French festival.
  • Christopher Nikolaev for performing a French play at Chandlings French festival.
  • Louis Trotter for performing a French play at Chandlings French festival.
  • Harvey Vinton for performing a French play at Chandlings French festival.
  • Oliver Williams for helping out with the MFL Fun with Languages Primary event.

Headmaster’s Praise – 9 February 2018

9 February 2018

Today nine boys came for Headmaster's praise:

  • Eoin Chippendale for his excellent volunteering at Old Station House, where he ran a quiz with a group of residents single-handedly on his table.
  • James Chung for helping expertly and confidently with the MFL Fun with Languages Primary event.
  • William Haynes for his excellent volunteering at Old Station House, where he ran a quiz with a group of residents single-handedly on his table.
  • Martin Man for helping expertly and confidently with the MFL Fun with Languages Primary event.
  • Joseph Nash for competing in the national final of the Senior Team Maths Challenge, and coming an impressive 17th out of 86 final teams (1300 in the total competition).
  • Yazan Odeh for helping expertly and confidently with the MFL Fun with Languages Primary event.
  • George Simmons for helping expertly and confidently with the MFL Fun with Languages Primary event.
  • Marc Tuazon for helping expertly and confidently with the MFL Fun with Languages Primary event.
  • Seb Watkins for his excellent effort on homework, making a poster on the Electromagnetic Spectrum.