9 May 2024


Message from the Head

Dear Parents

This is the final week for our Upper Sixth students to be in lessons before they depart on study leave for their A Levels. Tomorrow morning, they’ll be welcomed to the Old Abingdonian Club before we take a final photo of the entire year group. The highlight of the day will be the final Chapel service for the year group, when Rev Steer, Mr James and I will seek to share some final words of wisdom before everyone enjoys some hearty renditions of the students’ favourite hymns. It will be a great way to conclude this phase of the students’ education although staff remain very much on hand to support them while they are on study leave. The farewell to the Upper Sixth continues in the second half of term with the Leavers’ Service and Prize Giving on Saturday 22 June and then the Griffen Ball on Saturday 29 June. As a year group, they’ve made a superb contribution to the life of the School and I wish them every success with their exams.

I’d also like to thank everyone who recently responded to the brief parental survey we sent out a couple of weeks ago. We are compiling the results and reviewing the comments and are grateful for the opportunity to be able to reflect on your feedback.

Best wishes, Mike Windsor




  • Term dates for 2025-26 can be found here.
  • Letter from the Head of Wellbeing re Mental Health Awareness Week
  • Message from the Head of Wellbeing:
    • The National Crime Agency (NCA) has issued an alert to schools across the UK about financially motivated sexual extortion or ‘sextortion’. This type of blackmail involves a person being forced into paying money or meeting another financial demand, following a threat to release nude or semi-nude photos of them. The alert explains how to spot signs of this type of abuse and support affected children. Please read these links below as a preface to aid conversations with your child (as you see fit, given their age). These are topics that are covered in the school’s personal development education programme but it is important that we work together in this area. Further details are found at the links below.
  • Reminder – Annual Data Check.  Forms were sent to parents on Wednesday 1 May via isams email.  Thank you to those parents who have already completed the form.  If you have not already done so, please be reminded that the deadline to complete and submit forms is Sunday 2 June.  Even if your data has not changed, a form is still required to be completed please.  The Data Check is an online process that takes a few minutes to complete.
  • Reminder – Important notice for JBS (Joint Bus Service) users next term – action required:
    • You will have received this email from Vectare over the Easter break.  If you’ve already taken action, thank you.  If not, please can we draw your attention to Vectare’s email and ask that you take action as necessary.  If you have any questions please contact Vectare on [email protected]
  • Music: