This week's mailing is:
- To parents of all Fifth Year and Sixth Year linguists – University of Bath
- Upper Sixth Parents' Evening
Abingdon Michaelmas Fair: Monday 10 & Tuesday 11 October and Abingdon Runaway Fair: Monday 17 October – Reminder
Parents should expect that traffic flow in Abingdon will be severely disrupted by the Abingdon Fairs. On Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 October vehicle entry to Park Road and Park Crescent will only be via the gate on Faringdon Road (along from the Coach Park). When leaving the park through the gate into Faringdon Road, please, when queuing, leave the gate clear for incoming traffic.
Signing in for SUS (Second Hand Uniform Shop)
Parents are reminded that they should, please, except on Saturdays, sign in at Park Lodge Reception to obtain their badge.
Inter School Fixtures
A reminder when planning Saturdays in the second half of this term, and on into the new year….
Boys are expected to be available for matches against other schools unless specific permission has been sought from, and granted, by the Headmaster. Please avoid asking for leave of absence, as it hinders the progress the boys make. Any request should be made well in advance, at least one week before the fixture. The Director of Sport and PE, Pete Bignell should be copied in on any such leave of absence request.
Saturday Bus & Lunch Service
A further reminder that our aim remains to provide a hot lunch for all boys who travel into School on a Saturday by the school bus system; this will be served between 11.45 – 12.15 only in the Dining Hall. However in order to do this we do need accurate numbers for both the bus company and the catering staff; as such we have developed a simple sign up form that must be completed prior to the weekend that your son requires a lunch. Only those students signed up will receive a hot lunch. When completing this form please ensure that you look a week ahead on the fixture card, to the relevant date, to see if your son is playing at home or away, in the morning or afternoon so that you can make an accurate decision on your need for the bus & lunch system. This system is now active so please clink on this link: FILL IN FORM.
FASBC – Quiz Night
The FASBC invite you to join them for their annual quiz and curry night in the Dining Hall at Abingdon School on Saturday 12 November. Arrival 7pm with the quiz starting at 7:30pm. This is a thoroughly enjoyable evening and includes a delicious curry supper. There is plenty of friendly rivalry between the various teams of parents, boys and coaches, with the coaches attempting this year to gain a fourth consecutive win! There is no need to make up teams unless you wish to, the committee will put you in year group teams of 6 – 8 people, so it is the perfect opportunity to meet other parents in your son's year group. Please book your tickets early to avoid disappointment. The FASBC very much look forward to welcoming you.
Music – Important music dates for your diary, soon after half term
Friday 4 November, 6pm – Music Scholars' and Senior Musicians' Concert. A second opportunity to hear Abingdon's finest in solo performance.
Tuesday 8 November, 5pm Music Theory Examinations.
Wednesday 9 November, 5.30pm – Chapel Choir sing Choral Evensong at Tewkesbury Abbey More information to follow for parents of boys in Chapel Choir.
Thursday 10 November, 6pm – Senior Solo instrumental Competition. This is an opportunity to hear a dozen or so of our post-grade 8 musicians battling it out in front of a visiting adjudicator. Do join us for a fascinating and inspiring occasion.
Food Menu for the coming week – Week 3