20 Jun 2024


Message from the Head

Dear Parents

The weather finally got warm enough this week for us to move to summer dress and students and staff alike have enjoyed dispensing with their tie. More and more of our Fifth Year and Upper Sixth students are coming to the end of their public exams and it’s good to see them looking forward to their summer break. This Saturday we will be holding our Leavers’ Service and Ceremony, as well as Prize Giving, when we will celebrate the Leavers of 2024 and wish them well for the future.

All our students have now completed their internal end-of-year examinations and I’d like to congratulate them on their disciplined and serious approach to these assessments. I hope they will pay careful attention to the feedback offered to them by their teachers so that they can learn from their experiences this summer and put these lessons into practice in the future.

The end of the exam season also provides further opportunities for students to be out of school on trips. Bronze and Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expeditions have already taken place, as has the Lower Sixth Geography Field Trip. Lower School pupils will be out on educational visits next week too.

Today in school we hosted SupportEd, jointly organised with colleagues from John Mason School, which gave an opportunity for Third Year pupils from across the six schools of the OX14 Learning Partnership to learn more about ways to improve their wellbeing. It was great to see these students engaging confidently and positively with these themes.

Musical events continue to come thick and fast and I hope many of you will want to come to school between 5.30 and 9pm next Wednesday (26 June)  to hear bands from Abingdon and other local schools performing in the open air on a stage in front of Big School. It should be a great night  – our very own Glastonbury-style experience – and I hope you’ll be able to join us.

Best wishes, Mike Windsor