This week's mailing is:
- Reminder letter to all parents – Insurances, School Fee Refund Scheme Insurance, Denplan for Schools and Personal Accident Insurance
- To parents of all performers re Sheldonian Theatre – Arrangements for Transport and Rehearsals and Consent form
- To parents of all Third Year boys studying Art next year – Cass Foundation Visit and Consent Form
Improving Campus Security
If you have visited the School recently you may have noticed that the School's employees now wear ID cards on black lanyards. This is to aid the security of the campus for the welfare of pupils and staff. Visitors to the School are issued with cerise lanyards. During the teaching day, parents who come onto the campus are asked to report to Park Lodge Reception or Faringdon Lodge Reception to receive their visitor's lanyard. For the time being, parents going to watch sports matches should go directly to the venue without signing in.
Henley Royal Regatta – Friday 1 July 2016
Parents are invited to join the OA Club for strawberries and Pimm's at the Friends of Abingdon School Boat Club tent in Henley Cricket Club car park during the afternoon tea break (usually between 4.00 pm and 5.00 pm). No RSVP required.
- Lower School Gala concert, Thursday 23 June at 6pm, Amey Theatre – This event, including all the Lower School pupils will give parents the opportunity to hear the wealth of talent that is emerging from the Lower School in solos, ensembles and in a whole Lower School Choir. Admission is free.
- Upper Sixth Leavers' Concert, Friday 24 June at 6pm, Amey Theatre – This concert, featuring a group of unusually talented Upper Sixth musical cohort, will be organised by the boys themselves. Think James Anderson-Besant, Anthony Bracey, Jamie Corish, Michael Jiang, Tom Keogh and Leon Wu, and you can see that we are in for a wonderful evening recital of music. Admission is free.
- Summer Concert – Wednesday 29 June at 7pm, Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford – A final reminder about the big concert of the term at the Sheldonian Theatre, when we say farewell to Felicity Lusk, as well as our other leavers. All the senior orchestras, bands and choirs will be performing and tickets are free, but must be ordered in advance.
Food Menu for the coming week – Week 3