This week's mailing is:
- To parents of all Fifth Year boys – Parents' Evening
- To parents of Lower Sixth Biologists – Orielton Field Centre Trip & Consent Form
- To parents of all boys going on the German exchange – Exchange visit to Bielefeld
- To parents of all boys in O'Doherty's House – O’Doherty’s House Quiz
Public Examination Timetables
Public examination timetables for Summer 2017 are now available on the School Website. Boys personal timetables will be issued after half-term.
Saturday Bus Times
Timings of Saturday School buses are the same as last term.
Abingdon News
The latest edition of the School's newsletter, Abingdon News, has been given to your son to bring home this week. Boys who are full boarders will have a copy posted home. The newsletter can also be viewed online. Any feedback regarding school publications is very welcome, please email [email protected].
Sport priority on a Saturday – reminder
In planning for this term, please observe this extract from the Parents' Handbook:
Boys are expected to be available for matches against other schools unless specific permission has been sought from and granted by the Headmaster. Any request should be made well in advance, at least one week before the fixture and copied to the Director of Sport and PE, Pete Bignell. Abingdon has a strong tradition of participating in interschool fixtures across the age ranges. In recent years we have strengthened our fixture list, and been more ambitious in the schools we have been playing, and we are putting out more teams. Please avoid asking for leave of absence. We are keen the boys practise and play together, that the boys develop an allegiance to the School, and that our opponents have the best opposition we can provide.
School Clothing: Stevenson's Shop
Attached is a letter from Stevenson's, explaining that their Summertown shop won't be open for four weeks from Monday 30 January, due to refurbishment. However, uniform ordered by parents on-line will continue to be delivered to Faringdon Lodge (by the coach park) on Tuesdays and Fridays. Mrs Kerby ([email protected]) informs boys via email when their items arrive, and boys or parents can then collect from her, between 8am and 5pm.
5th Year Work Experience: A Request for Parents
If your 5th year son has already applied for, and even secured, a summer work experience placement, please praise him for his initiative! The ‘early bird catches the worm’ when it comes to work experience, especially at employers with popular work experience schemes. If your son has not yet applied for a summer work experience placement, please encourage him to do so…and soon. Most summer work experience schemes have application deadlines in January or February, so time is of the essence. Of course, your son can also write to employers who don’t offer a formal scheme but who do offer periodic work experience placements. There are many alternatives. For reference, see this letter to 5th year parents from October. Thank you for your support.
Online safety talk – Tuesday 31 January, joint with SHSK at SHSK, 7pm
On Tuesday 31 January 2017 at 7pm Abingdon and SHSK are hosting a talk on online safety and the pressures facing children over the use of technology. Karl Hopwood is an international expert on eSafety issues for schools, children and young people. He is a member of UKCCIS (UK Council for Child Internet Safety), the Education Advisory board for CEOP as well as on Twitter’s trust and safety council. He comes highly recommended and will offer no-nonsense advice on a range of issues, including the current trends of behaviour, establishing good online routines with your child and danger signs to be aware of.
The evening session is open to parents from both schools as Karl will have spoken to all members of Abingdon and SHSK over the course of the day. This is an area of concern for many, so please do sign up if you would like to attend on the Events page of the SHSK website: Online Safety Talk
To all working parents with career advice to offer!
The annual Abingdon Schools’ Careers Convention, jointly run by Abingdon School, Our Lady’s Abingdon and St Helen and St Katharine, provides an opportunity for students to get career advice from parents and alumni of all three schools (as well as local employers) working in different careers. Students can meet with these ‘career representatives’ in small discussion groups, and can attend panel presentations on current topics. This year’s Careers Convention will be held on Friday evening 17 March 2017 at Abingdon School. There are several careers not yet represented among parents who have so far volunteered. These are:
Agriculture, Animals, Forestry, Fishing
Construction and Building / Urban and Landscape Planning / Property or Facilities Management
Education (Secondary)
Engineering (Aeronautical, Aerospace, Nuclear)
Foreign Affairs
Travel & Tourism / Hotel & Hospitality
Product / Industrial Design
Performing Arts
Political Organisations
Public/Civil Service Administration
Radio, TV, Film, Video
Social Work/Care
Sports Organisations
Wholesale and Retail Trade
We are also seeking volunteers to serve on an ‘Emerging Careers’ panel featuring:
Renewable Energy
Cyber Security
Artificial Intelligence / Intelligent Systems
Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
If you work in one of these careers and would like to volunteer, please email Michael Triff, Head of Career Guidance and Alumni Relations, on [email protected].
First Year Concert Trip to Birmingham – Monday 30 January
The music department has arranged for the whole First Year to attend an 11.30am matinee performance with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. This trip to Birmingham will support the listening work done in First Year Music lessons and will last most of the day.
We will leave school by coach at 9am prompt, straight after morning registration. The boys will be supervised throughout by staff and we expect to be back at school by 3pm, possibly in time for period 7. The boys will be provided with a packed lunch and a drink.
The cost of the trip has been subsidised by the music department, but a contribution of £10, to include travel and entry, will be charged to school accounts. I would be grateful if parents would kindly express their consent by completing the google document, which can be accessed here.
Music Notices
Lent Term Calendar – Parents are warmly invited to any of our music events this term – New Year Charity Concert, two scholars' recitals, annual chamber evening, piano masterclass, singers' platform and choral concert. Please consult the up to date Lent Music Calendar.
New Year Charity Concert – Thursday 19 January at 7pm. Do consider attending next week's concert. The following groups will be performing; 2nd Year Choir, Lowerschool, Brass and Big Bands, Abingdon Academicals, Chamber and First Orchestras. The repertoire includes Vivaldi's concerto for two cellos and Schubert's sublime Unfinished Symphony. We think that the concert should finish by 8.30pm or soon afterwards.
Health Centre
Please can parents ensure that the Health Centre is kept up to date with any changes to your son's health. This is especially important following a holiday period so that we can update our records accordingly. Boys with medication: all boys who carry any form of medication on them e.g. inhalers for asthma, Epipens must ensure that it is clearly labelled with their name and is still in date.
Geography Trip to Iceland
Miss Atkinson will be giving final numbers to the Schools Travel Company at lunchtime on Monday. Therefore if your son is in third, fourth or lower sixth and wishes to come on the trip please return all consent forms and deposits to Miss Atkinson by first break on Monday 16 January.
Food menu for the coming week – Week 2