This week's mailing is:
Letter from the Head (PDF)
Term Calendar for Lent Term 2016, Key Dates and Term Dates
As you will be aware the School is not printing a hard-copy calendar so parents should refer to the online calendar which is kept regularly up to date. The School Calendar is accessed from the tab called 'Calendar and Events' at the top of the front page of the website. This is searchable using your web browser. Any amendments to Lent Term 2016 events made after today will be indicated clearly. The Key Dates for 2015/16 are also available on the website “Calendar and Events” page. This page highlights events such as parents' evenings, Head's receptions for current parents, social evenings and evening presentations to parents. Term dates for 2015/16 and 2016/17 are also available on the same page.
We aim to send out the end of term reports via email and also publish them to the parent portal by the end of Friday 11 December. Years 1-4 and L6th have long reports this time and Years 5 and U6th have short reports.
All new parents should have received an email with log on details earlier this year (for new parents). Any issues with gaining access to the parent portal should be reported to [email protected]. Parents should note that this is the second reporting session of term – there was an earlier one just before half term, with long reports for 5th and U6th. Those reports are still on the parent portal.
To Parents of Lower Sixth boys: University Admissions
All boys and parents are invited to an evening of introductory talks about the university admissions process on Friday 26 February 2016 in the Amey Theatre to start at 7pm. We host speakers from a Russell Group university to talk about admissions from a university perspective, from Oxford and Cambridge Universities to talk about particular issues in the Oxbridge process, and a panel of Upper Sixth boys talk about their application experience. Further details to follow.
Residential Trips 2016
The trips list has now been updated to include trips planned for the Michaelmas 2016, too.
Being 15
Recently ten Abingdon third year boys' perceptive drama performances in “Brainstorm” gave a moving insight into what’s behind ‘typical’ teenage behaviour. As we all embark on the holidays, it is inevitable that there will be moments over the next month when a parental view of life and your son's view of life might not be in complete alignment…! Even though Christmas is meant to be all about family, it is often a period when there is little time to actually communicate and when listening to each other gets squeezed out by the white noise of the “to do” list. Given this, this article gives interesting insights into the teenage psyche; it might serve as a useful conversation starter when you find yourself next to your son in the car, on the sofa, or even when you force him to help you prepare the sprouts….
Music – a date for your diary!
The Chilingirian String Quartet comes to Abingdon School on Wednesday 10 February. Parents are warmly encouraged to not miss the next visit of the famous Chilingirian String Quartet on February 10 at 7pm. Please make a note in your diary as this will be a very popular event. Further information is available for the poster and tickets may be ordered online via the website or by contacting the Box Office.
Holiday Reading
The English Department and the Library would like to encourage the boys to read for pleasure over the Christmas period. The following Christmas Cards suggest books the boys could try according to their age and interests.
Michaelmas and Lent Terms 2015/16 – Tennis
Tennis coaching will take place on the school courts (only 12 places available for each session – priority given to team players) throughout the Michaelmas and Lent terms at the following times. If your son would like to take lessons then he will need to sign up through the Other Half choices system in January with his tutor. An amount of £7.50 will be added to the school bill for every (paid) session they attend. The expectation is that every session is attended during the term. In extreme circumstances, contact Mr Ponniah ([email protected]) to inform of any absences.
12:10 – 13:10 – Lower School
2:00 – 2:50 – 4th Year
4.00 – 5.00 – 3rd Year
12:30 – 1:30 – 6th Form
1:30 – 2:20 – 5th Year
4.00 – 5.00 – 4th Year
2:45 – 4.00 – All years (Tennis) – no cost
12:15 – 1:15 – Lower School (Tennis) – no cost
1:15 – 2.00 – 5th Year – no cost
3:50 – 5.00 – 3rd Year
1:20 – 2:15 – 4th Year
4:05 – 5.00 – All years (Tennis 1st VIII squad) – no cost (invitation only)
9.00 – 11.00
Next Term
Term begins on Tuesday 5 January 2016 at 8.35 am with tutor time, followed by lessons from 9.00 am.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year