Students are nominated to receive a Head’s Praise for exceptional achievements and contribution to school life.

Head’s Praise – 28 November 2023

28 November 2023

Today 10 pupils received praise:

  • Sam (5th Year) for winning the regional finals of the LTA Schools Tennis Competition placing Abingdon in the top 4 schools in the country at U16 level.
  • Matt (5th Year) for winning the regional finals of the LTA Schools Tennis Competition placing Abingdon in the top 4 schools in the country at U16 level.
  • Daniel (4th Year) for winning the regional finals of the LTA Schools Tennis Competition placing Abingdon in the top 4 schools in the country at U16 level.
  • Cyrus (2nd Year) for winning the regional finals of the LTA Schools Tennis Competition placing Abingdon in the top 4 schools in the country at U16 level.
  • Ryan (3rd Year) for creating a Spanish Review Pack which he updates constantly with all material seen in class, either grammar or vocabulary, and shares with classmates.
  • Harish (3rd Year) for his excellent video testimonial produced for Giving Day.
  • Kajan (Upper 6th) for his excellent video testimonial produced for Giving Day.
  • Marc (3rd Year) for excellent work in art other half clubs.
  • Henry (3rd Year) for excellent work in art other half clubs.
  • Archie (Upper 6th) for completing his Gold DofE award. He is one of just four in his year to do so.

Head’s Praise – 22 November 2023

22 November 2023

Today 11 pupils received praise:

  • Jack (Upper 6th) for excellent captaincy in the 3rd XV’s recent win over Eton. Jack also receives praise for taking part in the PSL & APS Mentoring Project.
  • Thomas (Lower 6th) for playing the Ravel piece Le Tombeau de Couperin in 6th form assembly so beautifully. It was extremely well received by his peers.
  • Will (5th Year) for enthusiastic contributions to the AbingMUN conference. Out of 18 briefing papers that were sent to schools, Will wrote at least 7 of them to help prepare other schools. Outstanding effort and commitment to MUN.
  • Will (Upper 6th) for creating and leading the PSL International Men’s Day/Anti-Bullying Week presentation for tutor groups.
  • Jim (Upper 6th) for creating the PSL International Men’s Day/Anti-Bullying Week presentation for tutor groups.
  • Thomas (Upper 6th) for creating and doing the tech on the PSL International Men’s Day/Anti-Bullying Week presentation for tutor groups.
  • Reuben (Upper 6th) for creating and leading the PSL International Men’s Day/Anti-Bullying Week presentation for whole school tutor groups, in particular in charge of the Anti-Bullying aspect of the project.
  • Tye (Upper 6th) for taking part in the PSL & APS Mentoring Project.
  • Jacob (Upper 6th) for taking part in the PSL & APS Mentoring Project.
  • Bertie (Upper 6th) for taking part in the PSL & APS Mentoring Project.
  • Freddie (Upper 6th) for taking part in the PSL & APS Mentoring Project.

Head’s Praise – 14 November 2023

14 November 2023

Today 10 pupils received praise:

  • Zach (Upper 6th) for receiving an Army Scholarship.
  • Jack (Upper 6th) for excellent captaincy in the 3rd XV’s recent win over Eton.
  • Jasper (Upper 6th) for putting together and editing a recent edition of Timeline Magazine. Jasper also receives praise for organising a super AbingMUN conference and for writing an interesting crisis for the General Assembly at the conference.
  • Philip (Upper 6th) for organising a super AbingMUN conference – the logistics, management of delegates and general consideration to all aspects of the conference were considered by Philip.
  • Harry (Upper 6th) for quite possibly the best Chair of a General Assembly I have ever seen. Harry is a natural and I hope he ends up as Ambassador to somewhere in the future! Thank you for making AbingMUN 23 so much fun and for keeping an incredible buzz in the room.
  • Samuel (5th Year) for fantastic musicality and leadership shown in independently learning the complex accompaniment for a JCS work. Originally earmarked to be performed by staff due to its difficulty, Samuel exceeded expectations and learnt it in an incredibly short time without prompting. With only a couple of hours notice he stepped up to accompany a joint rehearsal of the Joint Choral Society at SHSK that was being led by the SHSK Director of Music, and was a fantastic representative for the school.
  • Luke (Lower 6th) for great presentation skills in running the Economics department stall at the SHSK A Level options evening.
  • Roddy (Lower 6th) for great presentation skills in running the Economics department stall at the SHSK A Level options evening.
  • Deniz (Lower 6th) for great presentation skills in answering questions during the Economics talks at the SHSK A Level options evening.
  • Thomas (Lower 6th) for playing the Ravel piece Le Tombeau de Couperin in 6th form assembly so beautifully. It was extremely well received by his peers.

Head’s Praise – 7 November 2023

7 November 2023

Today 10 pupils received praise:

  • Theo (Lower 6th) for stepping up and playing for RGS High Wycombe 3s to enable a competitive game and for doing it with such good grace.
  • Bertie (Lower 6th) for stepping up and playing for RGS High Wycombe 3s to enable a competitive game and for doing it with such good grace. Bertie also receives praise for organising and delivering a brilliant (and challenging!) quiz to the 3rd Year in an after school social.
  • Shi Jun (Lower 6th) for stepping up and playing for RGS High Wycombe 3s to enable a competitive game and for doing it with such good grace.
  • Ed (Upper 6th) for stepping up and leading Donnelly’s House so very well through House Singing.
  • Jamie (Upper 6th) for leading Stockdale’s as musical director in House Singing to another outstanding second place finish.
  • Jay (Upper 6th) for receiving an Army Scholarship.
  • Zach (Upper 6th) for receiving an Army Scholarship.
  • Kwame (3rd Year) for an excellent Open Day speech.
  • Arran (3rd Year) for an excellent Open Day speech.
  • Eddie (Lower 6th) for producing the third fastest 2k ergo score in the county on the first GB rowing team selection test of the year.

Head’s Praise – 31 October 2023

31 October 2023

Today 13 pupils received praise:

  • Timis (4th Year) for winning both intermediate races in ESSA qualifying.
  • Ben (Lower 6th) for making an excellent contribution to Open Day as a Mandarin Ambassador by demonstrating how to do calligraphy and teach prospective students some Chinese words, as well as sharing Mandarin learning experience with prospective parents and students.
  • Chetwin (4th Year) for making an excellent contribution to Open Day as a Mandarin Ambassador by demonstrating how to do calligraphy.
  • Quinlan (4th Year) for making an excellent contribution to Open Day as a Mandarin Ambassador by demonstrating how to do calligraphy.
  • Ryan (4th Year) for making an excellent contribution to Open Day as a Mandarin Ambassador by demonstrating how to do calligraphy.
  • Jack (Upper 6th) for making an excellent PSL presentation on Top Tips for Surviving 6th Form to deliver to the Lower 6th in tutor groups and for superb work promoting the Partnerships programme on Open Day.
  • Freddie (Upper 6th) for exceptional promotion of the PSL programme to parents for a full 2.5 hours on Open Day.
  • Jacob (Upper 6th) for exceptional promotion of the PSL programme to parents for a full 2.5 hours on Open Day.
  • Sam (Upper 6th) for exceptional promotion of the PSL programme to parents for a full 2.5 hours on Open Day.
  • Thomas (Upper Sixth) for completing an optional summer research project in psychology to an extremely high standard.
  • Oscar (Upper 6th) for getting to the final of Imperial College London’s Science in Medicine competition with their product and poster Asthma Patrol. They designed and researched this hypothetical, but plausible, wearable technology to help people with asthma detect changeable, local triggers and therefore avoid at asthma attack. They presented this to a team of IC academics and have been offered mentoring from Imperial College as a result.
  • Darren (Upper 6th) for getting to the final of Imperial College London’s Science in Medicine competition with their product and poster Asthma Patrol. They designed and researched this hypothetical, but plausible, wearable technology to help people with asthma detect changeable, local triggers and therefore avoid at asthma attack. They presented this to a team of IC academics and have been offered mentoring from Imperial College as a result.
  • Isaac (Upper 6th) for getting to the final of Imperial College London’s Science in Medicine competition with their product and poster Asthma Patrol. They designed and researched this hypothetical, but plausible, wearable technology to help people with asthma detect changeable, local triggers and therefore avoid at asthma attack. They presented this to a team of IC academics and have been offered mentoring from Imperial College as a result.

Head’s Praise – 10 October 2023

10 October 2023

Today 14 pupils received praise:

  • Can (Upper 6th) for breaking a school record and winning both relays in ESSA qualifying round.
  • Jose (4th Year) for winning both intermediate races in ESSA qualifying.
  • Daniel (3rd Year) for litter picking the whole sponsored walk route.
  • Raphie (3rd Year) for litter picking the whole sponsored walk route.
  • Sam (5th Year) for defeating the Northamptonshire county champions in a knockout and subsequently the Warwickshire county tennis champions in a knockout to place us into the top 4 teams in the midlands region at U15 (top 16 in the country) and a shot at the national finals in late November.
  • Matt (5th Year) for defeating the Northamptonshire county champions in a knockout and subsequently the Warwickshire county tennis champions in a knockout to place us into the top 4 teams in the midlands region at U15 (top 16 in the country) and a shot at the national finals in late November.
  • Daniel (4th Year) for defeating the Northamptonshire county champions in a knockout and subsequently the Warwickshire county tennis champions in a knockout to place us into the top 4 teams in the midlands region at U15 (top 16 in the country) and a shot at the national finals in late November.
  • Cyrus (2nd Year) for defeating the Northamptonshire county champions in a knockout and subsequently the Warwickshire county tennis champions in a knockout to place us into the top 4 teams in the midlands region at U15 (top 16 in the country) and a shot at the national finals in late November.
  • Jonathan (Upper 6th) for playing the role of a Roman soldier at the primary schools topic morning.
  • Thomas (Upper 6th) for making an excellent PSL presentation on Top Tips for Surviving 6th form to deliver to the L6 in tutor groups.
  • Aarav (Upper 6th) for compering the Community Service summer tea party.
  • Will (Upper 6th) for compering the Community Service summer tea party.
  • Jolyon (5th Year) for an excellent contribution to Open Day by speaking with great enthusiasm about the primary school partnership programme and Community Service to visiting parents.
  • Tino (5th Year) for an excellent contribution to Open Day by speaking with great enthusiasm about the primary school partnership programme and Community Service to visiting parents.

Head’s Praise – 3 October 2023

3 October 2023

Today 11 pupils received praise:

  • Can (Upper 6th) for breaking a school record and winning both relays in the ESSA qualifying round.
  • Ethan (5th Year) for breaking a school record and winning both relays in the ESSA qualifying round.
  • Chung Nam (Lower 6th) for breaking a school record and winning both relays in the ESSA qualifying round.
  • Ralph (5th Year) for breaking a school record and winning both relays in the ESSA qualifying round.
  • Xav (3rd Year) for winning both races in the ESSA qualifying round and for stepping up to race for school for first time.
  • Barnaby (4th Year) for winning both races in the ESSA qualifying round and for stepping up to race for school for first time.
  • Luca (3rd Year) for winning both races in the ESSA qualifying round and for stepping up to race for school for first time.
  • Thomas (1st Year) for coming 1st and 2nd in ESSA qualifying races.
  • Isaac (1st Year) for coming 1st and 2nd in ESSA qualifying races.
  • Kaan (2nd Year) for coming 1st and 2nd in ESSA qualifying races.
  • James (2nd Year) for coming 1st and 2nd in ESSA qualifying races.

Head’s Praise – 29 September 2023

29 September 2023

Today nine pupils received praise:

  • Harish (3rd Year) for delivering an excellent speech during the Head’s Assembly for the Sponsored Walk.
  • George (Lower 6th) for his kindness in looking out for an upset 1st year pupil.
  • James (Lower 6th) for his kindness in looking out for an upset 1st year pupil.
  • Sam (Lower 6th) for his kindness in looking out for an upset 1st year pupil.
  • Jake (Lower 6th) for his kindness in looking out for an upset 1st year pupil.
  • Gordon (Upper 6th) for being a global finalist in the Law Category of the John Locke Essay competition. Gordon was one of 19000 entrants into this prestigious competition and wrote an essay on the legalities surrounding plagiarism and the use of AI.
  • Fin (Lower 6th) for winning the National Epee title in the Cadet age category.
  • Warwick (Upper 6th) for being a global finalist in the Law Category of the John Locke Essay competition.
  • James (5th Year) for volunteering for an informal programme teaching conversational English via Zoom to a group of Ukrainian children. This involved a real commitment over 6 weeks and was highly valued by all involved.

Head’s Praise – 19 September 2023

19 September 2023

Today 15 pupils received praise:

  • Adrian (5th Year) for making a superb contribution as a member of the Ng Quartet to a recent arts partnership assembly at Carswell Primary School.
  • Bertie (Upper 6th) for being awarded the prize for Student Leader of the Half Term for his work with the OX14 LP Academic Coaching scheme.
  • Ben (5th Year) for his outstanding contribution to the service element of his DofE award by volunteering to support Ukrainian refugees in learning English by offering online tutoring.
  • William (2nd Year) for participating in the National Final of the German language Spelling Bee.
  • Papa (4th Year) for running activities for residents with dementia at a care home.
  • Alexander (Upper 6th) for helping lead the body language workshop at the primary school partnership Let’s Communicate morning.
  • Kwame (3rd Year) for writing a beautiful piece which is being featured by the ISC for their culture and diversity week. Kwame also receives praise for delivering an excellent speech during the Head’s Assembly for the Sponsored Walk.
  • Harry (Upper 6th) for achieving 100% in the Intermediate Certificate of Classical Greek last term. Harry is one of only four candidates (out of 450+) to achieve this nationwide. This was after only a term and a half of Greek.
  • Tristan (5th Year) for a Prize winning STEP project on the history of homoerotic literature.
  • James (Lower 6th) for a Prize winning STEP project on synthesis and especially chemical synthesis.
  • Arth (Lower 6th) for a Prize winning STEP project on synthesis and Gabon.
  • Niklas (Lower 6th) for a Prize winning STEP project on the growth of cryptocurrencies.
  • Rupert (Lower 6th) for a Prize winning STEP project on the growing geopolitical importance of Greenland owing to climate change.
  • Joseph (Lower 6th) for a Prize winning STEP project on the role of oxygen in the evolution of life on Earth.
  • Luke (Lower 6th) for a Prize winning STEP project on the use, development and control of nuclear weapons.

Head’s Praise – 12 September 2023

12 September 2023

Today seven pupils received praise:

  • Jamie (Upper 6th) for making a superb contribution as a member of the Abingdon Academicals at an arts partnerships assembly at Carswell Primary School.
  • Edward (Upper 6th) for making a superb contribution as a member of the Abingdon Academicals to a recent arts partnership assembly at Carswell Primary School.
  • Sammy (Upper 6th) for making a superb contribution as a member of the Abingdon Academicals to a recent arts partnership assembly at Carswell Primary School.
  • Edmund (4th Year) for making a superb contribution as a member of the Abingdon Academicals to a recent arts partnership assembly at Carswell Primary School.
  • Dilan (Upper 6th) for making a superb contribution as a flute-playing addition to the Ng Quartet at a recent arts partnership assembly at Carswell Primary School.
  • Ryan (5th Year) for making a superb contribution as a member of the Ng Quartet to a recent arts partnership assembly at Carswell Primary School.
  • Isaac (5th Year) for making a superb contribution as a member of the Ng Quartet to a recent arts partnership assembly at Carswell Primary School.