This week's mailing is:
- To parents of First, Second and Third Year boys – Drama Productions
- To parents of boys in Middle and Upper School – Confirmation Letter
- To parents of Lower Sixth boys – Parents' Evening
Parent tours of the Yang Science Centre
Boys and staff have successfully moved into the new building, and I know some parents are keen to see round the excellent facilities. Over Christmas the sculpture by Matt Lane-Sanderson will be installed, followed by a ceremony to mark this in mid January. We are currently looking at the calendar to select a suitable Saturday morning for parents to come in to see round the building and to view one of our partnership mornings.
This is just to let you know that we are currently in the process of appointing the next Head of Careers to replace Sarah Gibbard. This process is well underway and the job description has been reviewed. The advertisements are due to go out shortly and we will be considering applications from both teachers and others who might be suitable but are from different fields. Given that the successful applicant could come from a variety of potential backgrounds, the starting date of the new appointment has yet to be determined as it will dependent on notice periods. In the meantime Careers issues will be covered as follows:
Work experience questions to Mike Litchfield
Middle School questions, including COA and A level choices to tutors and/or Paul Gooding
Upper School questions to Nick O'Doherty
Anti-Bullying Week – Monday 16 – Friday 20 November 2015
Next week is the annual Anti-Bullying week. This year's theme is “Make a Noise about Bullying”. We will address this in Assemblies, Chapel, tutor periods and in PSHCE lessons. Please could you try to find the chance to raise it in discussion with your son as well, as one aim for this year is to encourage a 'talking school' where pupils are open to discussing these issues, whether they are the victim or whether it is someone that they know. A real issue that we try to address at School, that might be a starting point for a chat at home, is the age old issue of what to do if you are present if someone is being unpleasant. After the fact we want boys to feel able to raise their concerns with someone, but dealing with the situation there and then is never easy. Please stress how important it is to speak and act at the moment it is happening, as peer disapproval is crucial in establishing – and continuing – an anti-bullying culture.
Please also take the opportunity not only to reiterate the importance of being compassionate in our dealings with others, but also to highlight some of the groups of people who can be targeted. At Abingdon we want to build a culture where difference is celebrated rather than being used as a means of picking on the outsider. The points of difference could revolve around gender, sexuality, or it could be simply that the interests of that person are not stereotypical. Please also feel free to visit the Anti-Bullying Alliance website.
Music – There are several exciting and varied music events fast approaching in the next couple of weeks and parents are warmly invited to attend any or all of them!
The Brass Masterclass (5pm) and Trombone Recital (7.30pm) – Thursday 19 November. If your son is a brass player, there will be much to enjoy and to learn. Please come – admission is free.
The Music Society Quiz and Curry Night – Friday 20 November, 7pm in the Sports Centre Hospitality Suite. You need to sign up in advance for this one. Please see the flyer and book tickets on the Box Office.
Joint Choral Society – The beautiful and magnificent Petite Messe Solennelle by Rossini is the work chosen for the Choral Society performance on Sunday 29 November at 7pm in the Amey Theatre. With a quartet of top flight soloists and an orchestra and choir, it promises to be an uplifting occasion! Please see the concert flyer and please book in advance at the box office.
Food Menu for the coming week – Week 3