6 Feb 2015


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Safer Internet Day, Tuesday 10 February 2015 – from the Deputy Head (Pastoral)

Tuesday is Safer Internet Day. Clearly we are all aware of concerns that the internet can prompt, whether it is screen time, cyber bullying or the ready availability of hardcore pornography. That said, I do worry that sometimes teenagers feel that we only ever berate them about these dangers without seeing all the positives that they feel the internet offers them. If our boys are not to get inured to our concerns, then we need to focus on these positives as well as discussing our reservations. 

This year's theme for Tuesday is  “Let's create a better internet together.” Can I encourage you to ask your son to show you something funky or new or original that the internet enables your son to do that you can't? Why don't you ask them to show you how keek or imgur works? Could they help you to open an Instagram account? What app do they love that you've never seen before? Is there a functionality on your phone that you have no idea about?

Parents may also wish to have a look at this video, which goes into detail on the digital universe of your children.

As part of the focus on Safer Internet Day, can I remind parents of Second and Third Year boys that on Monday we have eLearning and ICT Evening in the Sports Hospitality Suite at 7pm with Mr Whitworth (in charge of eLearning) and Mr Hindley (Deputy Head Pastoral) to discuss all these issues.

Food Menu for the coming week – Week 3