3 Feb 2017


This week's mailing



Notice from the Headmaster 

I would very much appreciate your response to a questionnaire we are going to send out by email on Monday to all parents and staff at Abingdon School and Abingdon Prep School. It will give me valuable feedback and help to make informed decisions about the direction of the Foundation. It will take about 20 minutes to complete online. Please do look out for the email on Monday and thank you in advance for your co-operation

Safer Internet Day, Tuesday 7 February 2016 – from the Deputy Head (Pastoral)

Tuesday is Safer Internet Day. Clearly we are all aware of concerns that the internet can prompt, but this year the theme is “Be the change: unite for a better internet,” trying to focus on using the internet positively.  As I hope you know, all our boys (and all the SHSK girls) had a talk from Karl Hopwood this week about internet safety. His message chimed with our school message that the most important thing is that parents and children should talk openly and honestly about online issues: the challenge for us as parents is to learn from our children, to avoid being judgemental, while gently reminding them about positive behaviours. I would encourage you to use these talks and Safer Internet Day as a prompt for a conversation with your son about the internet, and how he uses it.  Ask him whether he likes the Sidemen or KSI, ThatcherJoe or his sister Zoella (fyi Zoella makes £50k a month and KSI over £1m a year, both from youtube); ask him whether he has ever used houseparty or oovo; get him to show you how to share an e-calendar, and whether you should have a joint e-calendar; or even ask him to show you his favourite gaming app – and have a go at it with him!  Whatever you chose as a conversation starter, I would encourage you to engage with him about his virtual world, as too often the internet can be something that divides generations rather than bringing them together.  One very useful website that Karl recommended was Internet Matters. Further useful information for parents on Safer Internet Day is available to download online. Parents may also wish to have a look at this 3 minute video, which goes into detail on the digital universe of your children. Please also find here materials from Karl Hopwood's talk to parents. 

Reporting Pupil Absences

With the large number of absences at the current time it is an opportune time to remind you of the procedure to report your boy’s absence from school.  If you wish to telephone and leave a message please call the Attendance Office on 01235 849031 or email [email protected].  If you prefer to notify your boy’s Housemaster and/or Tutor please also copy the email to [email protected]. We do request that absences are reported each day to avoid any confusion.  If you know of any forthcoming appointments, University visits or the like, please also notify the Attendance Office in the same way, having sought permission, for day absences, from your son's housemaster.

  • Golden Jubilee Orchestral Tour to Bielefeld, Thursday 9 – Tuesday 14 February, 04.00hrs departure – Some forty-five boys and four staff will be travelling to Bielefeld on Thursday 9 February to join in the celebrations to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the exchange partnership with the Ratsgymnasium there. Parents are cordially reminded of the early departure time of 04.00hrs!
  • Annual Chamber Music Evening – Thursday 23 February at 6pm Venue Change to Amey Theatre – If your son plays in a small ensemble, whether, strings, woodwind, brass or piano, there is a good chance he will be participating in this concert, soon after half term. Originally billed for CMR it has changed venue to the Amey Theatre.  Please make a note of it in your diary.
Revision leave dates – Summer 2016 – revised

Fifth year: revision leave will now begin on Thu 4 May, 5.20pm rather than Friday 5 May, 5.20pm.  The whole yeargroup now has an English exam on the Friday afternoon.  
Upper Sixth:  revision leave begins Friday 19 May, 1pm as previously announced

5th Year parents' evening

If you were not able to attend the recent parents' meeting, or if you would like to go over some of the advice that was offered, we have prepared the resources for you here. You will find attached the slides from Mr May's presentation which cover A-Level choices as well as some guidance as to how to plan for revision over the Easter period. 

Reminder for all parents about coats

Please ensure your son has a winter coat for trips and away sporting fixtures, particularly in these winter months.  If travelling to a sports fixture in team kit, please ensure your son has a school tracksuit too.

Food menu for the coming week: Week 2