23 Jan 2015


This week's mailing is:


Letter from the Head (PDF)


For the attention of Fifth Year Parents

Fifth Year mock exam results slips have been posted to the parent portal and ideally should be discussed over the weekend in advance of Monday's parents' evening. As a word of caution, it is much better to concentrate on grades in these mocks as opposed to making comparisons of percentages between subjects. Grade boundaries vary widely between subjects, as they do in the real exams, and it is the grade that makes the best form of comparison.

Mr May (Deputy Head, Academic) will be speaking in the Amey Theatre about these results and their implications in the break between appointments on Monday.  He will also be sketching out his expectations for Easter revision and explaining how the first part of study leave next term works. Additionally, Mr May will be explaining Abingdon's approach to the new Sixth Form curriculum in light of national changes to qualifications. Also speaking will be Mr Lomax (Curriculum Director) taking parents through the final A Level preferences procedure, Mr Litchfield (Careers) will speak about work experience and Mr Gooding (Middle Master) will be giving his overview of the year group. All parents are strongly encouraged to attend these talks.

Car parking for upper sixth formers, and driving with passengers

Currently we have sufficient free spaces available in the Lower Field Car Park to enable Upper Sixth formers to park there. Boys will need to apply to the Upper Master, Nick O'Doherty. On some days when we expect a large number of visitors to the School the boys will be asked, in advance, to park elsewhere. If a driver is to carry a fellow pupil to school (other than their siblings), the parents of both the car driver and of the passenger(s) are asked to provide Mr O'Doherty with an email or letter giving their assent to the arrangement. Some time ago there were tragic consequences to poor decisions made by sixthformers, and so the boys have been told that we expect full parental consent to their being either a passenger or being a driver of other pupils. 

Bringing medication into school – request from Annette Hack Senior Nurse

There are a number of different coughs, colds and general malaise going around at the moment. Please can we ask parents, if they feel their boys might require medication such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen during the day, that boys come to the Health Centre where this can be offered as required, rather than sending in small amounts for the boys to carry and possibly mislay.

Updates on Sports Match Arrangements

The best way to get the most up to date information on fixtures is via the website, under Calendar and Events>Fixtures and Match Arrangements, so whenever you're in doubt, please check this before setting out.

Food Menu for the coming week – Week 1