20 Mar 2015


This week's mailing is:


All parents – Head lice

Please be aware that we have had some cases of head lice recently reported among the Lower School community. All parents are advised to be vigilant to this and take action if appropriate. Thank you for your help in this matter.

Reminder for parents of Third Year students going on Battlefields trip Friday 17 – Sunday 19 April 2015

Please note there is a voluntary briefing on Monday 23 March at 7.15pm in the Charles Maude Room for parents and boys about the trip. It will last approximately an hour. If you plan on attending, and have not already contacted him, please email Mr McGill so he has some idea of numbers.

For parents of sixth formers – Meningococcal Carriage Study

At Assembly today the sixth formers heard about the current Oxford University research project on meningoccal disease. Although the disease can be serious, the meningoccal germ is 'carried' in the back of the throat without causing any symptoms in about one in five teenagers. At the moment, there is relatively little disease due to meningocci in the UK, but 15 years ago disease levels were 5-10 time higher, and, sadly, an Abingdonian died from meningitis while on holiday. One of summer prizes was given in his memory by his parents. The university study aims to understand why this germ sometimes causes serious disease and why the amount of disease varies over time. On Monday 23 March and Tuesday 24 March boys willing to take part in this study will be asked to supply a sample from their throat and to fill in a questionnaire. Attached are documents we have been sent giving more detail about the study, and inviting students and parents to enquire further if they wish.

Food Menu for the coming week – Week 1