2 Nov 2018


This week's mailing is:



Sponsored Walk

A very well done for all of the students and staff who took part in the Sponsored Walk on Thursday 27 September. The current total raised has reached £22,594.42 which is a phenomenal achievement. The online donations page will be shut on Friday 16 November and we hope to have a final total shortly after this date; therefore could any outstanding sponsorship be returned to school or donated online as soon as possible.

All Parents: Volunteer Career Representatives needed for Abingdon Careers Convention, Friday 15 March 2019, Abingdon School

The annual Abingdon Independent Schools’ Careers Convention, jointly run by Abingdon School, Our Lady’s Abingdon and St Helen and St Katharine, provides an excellent opportunity for students to gather information about and insights into careers of interest and educational routes into those careers. It features parents and alumni of all three schools, as well as local employers, representing a wide range of careers. Students can meet with ‘career representatives’ one to one, participate in small group career discussions, and watch panel presentations on current topics. The event is always well attended – and much appreciated – by 500 students and parents. This year’s Careers Convention will be held on Friday evening 15 March 2019 at Abingdon School. At present, I am recruiting Abingdon parents to volunteer as a ‘career representative’ (or to serve on a panel presentation, if preferred). To register your interest, please complete this online Expression of Interest form no later than 30 November 2018. Completing this form DOES NOT commit you to being a volunteer; it only tells us of your interest. I will follow up with you to provide further information and answer any questions you may have. Michael Triff, Head of Career Guidance.

For Parents of 5th Year Pupils: Morrisby Aspirations Programme Interviews

If your son is participating in the Morrisby Aspirations Career Matching Programme, he will soon receive an email with the date, time, and location of his interview with an independent careers adviser from Morrisby. This interview will be next week on one of the following days: Tuesday – Friday, 6 – 9 November. Thank you for ensuring your son has put this appointment in his planner/diary and that he sets aside some time this weekend (if not already) to go over the results of his Morrisby questionnaire with you, to research occupations listed in his results, and to complete the pre-interview questions – all in his online Morrisby account. The Morrisby Aspirations Programme can help to inform A-Level subject choices from a career planning perspective, so thank you for ensuring your son makes the most of his participation. Michael Triff, Head of Career Guidance.


Up-coming musical events for your diaries:

  • Harry the Piano – Wednesday 7 November in the Amey Theatre at 7pm.  Tickets are going fast for this event with this internationally known piano virtuoso improvisor/extemporiser. Harry is giving a masterclass with our pupils in the afternoon, but the evening event should be terrific. Please see the poster and book your tickets online – they are free of charge, but we do need to know who is coming.
  • Solo Concert Platform – Thursday 8 November in the CMR at 6pm.  An opportunity for you to hear some of our emerging solo talent.
  • JCS – Sunday 11 November – Mozart's Requiem as part of St Helen's School's Festival of Remembrance at St Helen's School at 7pm. The festival will also include WW1 songs and readings by pupils with the Requiem in the second half. Please see the poster and book your tickets online through the St Helen's School website.
  • New College Evensong with Chapel Choir – Wednesday 14 November at 6.15pm.  Our Chapel Choir has its Director, Mr Adam Treadaway, at one of Oxford's most distinguished choral venues. Please do join us at New College Chapel (approached through Holywell Street.)
  • Music Society Violin Masterclass with Levon Chilingirian – Wednesday 21 November in the CMR at 6pm.  We are so lucky to have such a connection with one of the world's most distinguished violinists. Every two years Levon Chilingirian comes to Abingdon to give an open lesson to a number of our more advanced violinists. Thanks to our Music Society admission is free and it should be seen as a must for all our string players and their families.

Pocket Guide to Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Next week, all students in years 1-5 will receive a Pocket Guide to Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling from their English teacher. We hope that your son will use this comprehensive reference guide not just for his English work but across all his subjects. Further information, including a downloadable version of the guide, is available here.

Fines for parking on Park Road and on Park Crescent

Parents are reminded that, to discourage parking on these private roads, a company is employed by Christ's Hospital to fine cars parked there.  Visitors should use the School's Lower Field Car Park on Park Road, and then report to Park Lodge Reception, please.

Reminder FASBC Quiz and Curry Night – Saturday 10 November, 7pm 

Abingdon School Box Office

Harry the Piano Concert – 7pm, Wednesday 7 November

1918: The Bloody Road to Victory – 7pm, Friday 9 November

Tickets for the Joint Senior Musical are now on sale – Loserville – 7pm, 6, 7 & 8 February

Abingdon and the Great War – Thursday 9 November at 7pm, Amey Theatre

How strange and unreal it seemed, as again we paced the streets of our quiet little country town! For in a brief few weeks, the world had changed.
The story of the Great War, as experienced by the Abingdon School community, is told in a selection of readings drawn from the school's archive, supported by photographs, images and music to evoke the experience of a school community as it attempts to make sense of events unfolding in France and beyond.  Presented by senior drama scholars, this is a free event that is expected to last around an hour. No booking is necessary.

Sport Karate Kumite Seminar – Sensei Alton Brown

Alton Brown is an exceptional athlete, and one of the most prolific and successful athletes of the past 20 years. He’s an ambassador and a great role-model for Sport Karate.  We hope that the boys attending Karate Club will be inspired to attend this seminar, on their own doorstep, as well as those who attend Karate Clubs outside Abingdon School. All are welcome.

Food Menu for the coming week – Week 2