This week's mailing is:
- To all parents of Sixth Year boys – Yearbook
Parent Portal
Parents are reminded that all communication of internal exam results and parental reports will be via the parent portal. If you have any problems logging onto the parental portal, please contact [email protected].
Fourth Year Summer Exams
The fourth year summer exams take place from Monday 27 April to Friday 1 May. The boys should be spending some time over the Easter break revising for these. The examination timetable can be found on the website.
Upper Sixth Mocks
Results of the mocks have now been published to the parent portal. Please note that the mock grades listed apply only to the specific paper(s) set for this exam session and do not represent an overall prediction for the A Level. There will be other elements to be factored in (such as other exam papers, coursework, AS scores, AS resits) before a realistic A Level predictive conclusion can be reached. The end of term report in three weeks will offer teachers an opportunity to discuss the mock result within more of a context. As usual, if you have problems accessing the parent portal, please contact [email protected]
Computers and Translators – a love-hate relationship?
Lecture on Computational Linguistics, Thursday 19 March 2015, 4-5pm, Sports Centre Hospitality Suite – All middle and upper school students welcome. Lecturer: Professor Dr Ruslan Mitkov, Professor of Computational Linguistics and Language Engineering, University of Wolverhampton.
Food Menu for the coming week – Week 3