12 May 2017


This week's mailing is:


Third Year PSHCE lessons

Wednesday 24 May sees the annual Sex and Relationship Education morning for boys in the Third Year. This year we have a visit from Loudmouth Theatre Company who will present their acclaimed project “Working for Marcus”. Sexual exploitation and sexual grooming are serious and important issues for schools to address. “Working for Marcus” has been used in schools to raise awareness of child sexual exploitation and to train professionals since 1998. Due to a recent rise in interest in this work and growing concerns about the issues from schools particularly in online safety, Loudmouth have updated this powerful programme to include new research into exploitation through social media, gangs and violence against women and girls and boys. The new version builds on the detailed research and consultation of the original to help young people to gain a deeper understanding of the grooming process and potential risks. In addition, the boys will attend workshops on STIs and contraception and men's health issues from registered healthcare practitioners. If you have any questions about the morning, please email Ben Phillips, Head of Personal Development Education at [email protected]

Sixth Form Subject Choices

Many sets for next year’s lower sixth are now at levels that we would consider to be ‘full’. Any boy who wishes to apply for a change in his subject choice should contact the Curriculum Director, Oliver Lomax, as soon as possible by email. Although we will always do our best to be accommodating, we do have to stress that changes may not be possible at this stage in particular subjects and it is certainly the case that the earlier we receive a request the greater likelihood there is of us being able to satisfy it.

6th Form Revision Leave

The Upper Sixth go on revision leave on Thursday 18 May.  There is no revision leave for L6th formers, who will be sitting internal exams after half term and, in few cases previously advertised, a small number of actual AS units. Study Leave arrangements for U6th boys before Half Term and for L6th boys taking AS units (at any time) are as follows:

Boys with a public examination in an afternoon may take the whole morning of that day as revision leave. They do not have to come into school until the time of their exam but if they choose to be on school premises during morning lesson times they should be in the Westridge Room/Library or, if a boarder, in their House.  Boys with a public examination in the morning of a particular day are expected to attend all of the previous day’s lessons & Other Half activities (i.e. no additional revision leave is granted for morning exams).

It is always our advice that boys should think very carefully about taking additional revision leave outside of the designated periods – you may be missing important revision in the lessons you do not attend. 

Good manners should always prompt you to let the teacher(s) whose lesson(s) you are missing know of your planned absence. Any boy who wishes to withdraw from a unit he no longer wants to sit should let Rebecca Cottam, the Exams Officer, know immediately. Simply not turning up causes unnecessary alarm and ties up staff time trying to track you down.

Music Notices
  • Wednesday 17 May – Junior Soloists Concert, 6pm – CMR – Next week's concert gives an opportunity to our younger boys to show their mettle as soloists. We have some stunning musicians among our younger years, 1 to 4 – in fact, some already have their diplomas! Come and be inspired and hear the Abingdon musicians of the future! Admission is free.

  • Chapel Choir Visit – Cancelled  – Chapel Choir visit to sing at Bristol Cathedral originally scheduled for next Thursday 18 May has been cancelled.

Parking on Saturdays

Parents are asked to avoid parking across the cycle lanes on Faringdon Road by the coach park. Please use the main School car park on Park Road and walk to the relevant pitch, if there is not space in the coach park.

Box Office Events

NT Live: Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf – Thursday 18 May 2017, 7pm, Amey Theatre

Book Collection

As previously advertised, the final deadline for 5th and U6th book returns will be Saturday 1 July.  Books not returned by that date will be charged to bills.  Many departments will already have made clear to the boys the occasions on which they can return books and it would be sensible for boys to plan to bring in any remaining loan texts on the day of their final public exam to save having to make a special trip.  Much unnecessary chasing and unwanted charging of extras to bills can be avoided by boys being properly organised.  It is often not possible to waive charges for books returned after the deadline as Heads of Department will spend part of the week of term ordering the necessary texts for the new school year.

Food menu for the coming weekWeek 1