7 July 2020
The annual Lower School Be the Best You Can Be Celebration took place live over Zoom. We were very pleased to welcome back our guest speaker from September’s launch event, Mike Mullen, former BMX world champion. He spoke about the need for resilience in the face of adversity and explained how he has learnt that one of the secrets to success is “knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do”.
The second half of the evening saw presentations from each second year tutor group introduced by their tutors. 2G had created a Rocky-themed video to illustrate their journey through Lower School, 2M featured their recent charity challenge which saw them collectively travelling over 750 miles and raising over £3,500 for Cancer Research UK, while 2P presented a reworking of Rudyard Kipling’s “If” poem which tied in with the ideas they have discussed in their Be the Best You Can Be lessons.
The end of year prizes were then awarded as follows:
Academic Prizes: Philip Ashton (2P), Henry Drake (2G) and Lachlan Keene (2M)
Baker Awards: Philip Ashton, Bertie Bellman, Shaun Gregory, Rupert Mathieson, Pranit Narain, Matthew Stone, Harry Vinall and Thomas Wilson
The Cooper Cup for excellence in reading: George Coombs
The Dillon Cup for service: Hamish Bloom
The Woodgett Cup: Harry Winsey
The evening concluded with a slideshow of photographs from the last two years to show the second years just how far they have come together.
In the Lower School end of year assembly on the last day of term, the following first year prizes were awarded:
Academic Prizes: Mark Hanlon (1J), Samuel Price (1H) and Sam Wormald (1C)
The Broadbent Cup for all-round sporting excellence: Charlie Sutton