2 March 2023

Abingdon’s senior and junior squash teams won their first round groups last term in their national competitions. They recently competed with those who advanced to the second round, trying to win a place in the national finals among the top eight schools in the country.

The juniors were up, first taking on Leamington, John Hampden and KES Birmingham, all quality squash schools. At the end of a great afternoon of squash, with a particularly fine win against John Hampden, we eventually lost out to KES, who are likely to come right at the top of the country’s school teams.

Our senior team then took on Marlborough, Cheltenham and Wycliffe. Again it was a superb and close-fought tournament. Not surprisingly, Wycliffe, a squash academy and consistently at the top nationally, won a very close competition, and we wish them luck in the final.

Abingdon showed their character as well as the strength in depth of our squad, and we look forward to renewing our campaigns next year.

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