31 March 2023

Abingdon Science Partnership organised and hosted two events in the YSC on the first day of the Easter holiday. The Oxfordshire Science Learning Partnership once again chose the YSC for their annual science technicians’ conference with over thirty delegates participating in workshops and hands on training this year. Science technicians are a vital part of delivering successful science learning in any school so it is always a pleasure to be able to host this event and to help to raise the profile of their work. Meanwhile, the upper two floors of the YSC were busy with the second Mercers Abingdon Confidence in Science GCSE Revision Workshops attended by over 60 Year 11 students and staff from Larkmead, John Mason and Fitzharrys schools. Following three, intensive revision sessions in physics, chemistry and biology the students finished the day in the CMR with a session on reducing exam stress through mindfulness led by Abingdon’s Head of Yoga, Henry Barnes. Altogether, eight academic and support staff from the science department supported these events as well as one colleague from Abingdon Prep and a retired colleague who was welcomed back into the team for the day. Many other support staff, from porters and cleaners to the catering team, also made the visitors welcome and ensured that such events will continue to enhance the school’s reputation as a leading venue for Partnership events.

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