16 March 2017
Thirty Year 5 and Year 6 pupils from seven local schools have completed the Royal Institution's Abingdon School Spring 2017 Maths Masterclass Series, which has been hosted by the Abingdon Science Partnership. At the final session, the pupils were presented with certificates to mark completion of the series, which was led by Abingdon School sixth form mentors Dan Rohll, Ivor Langley and Chris Potter. Feedback from the primary pupils showed that they had really enjoyed the sessions, despite finding some of the topics quite hard to understand. Parents and teachers observing the sessions have been amazed by the obvious enjoyment and enthusiasm of all the pupils who chose to do extra maths for an hour a week after the normal school day. The sixth form mentors were surprised by some of the topics the younger children were prepared to tackle and by how quickly they were able to complete many of the exercises. A lot of the children felt that it was a shame there were only six sessions and left hoping for more, similar opportunities in the future.