This term the Primary Partnerships club has helped to develop a brand new lunchtime club at Rush Common Primary School. The Primary Partnerships club consists of students in a variety of year groups at Abingdon and meets once a week. This term they planned and delivered a weekly STEM construction club for Year 1 children. ‘We provided activities that would encourage the children to think and learn.’ Activities covered ranged from fun with magnets, making paper aeroplanes, bridge building and lego marble runs. ‘My favourite activity was the paper aeroplanes because we got to have a competition and see whose plane was the best.’ ‘My personal favourite out of all of these was the paper aeroplanes as I had never learned to make those before.’ ‘I liked the lego marble runs because it was by far the most fun activity and it was enjoyable for the kids.’

Abingdon students felt that they developed skills such as empathy, patience and communication. They worked hard to ensure the younger children could understand their instructions and learnt to modify the activities to suit the individuals. ‘I learned how to manage kids and encourage them to push themselves.’ They have already started thinking about what other activities they could do with primary schools in the future. Some of their ideas include a gardening club, creative activities such as pottery, a mini sports day and a lego club.

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