29 November 2017
A number of new Upper and Middle School ASP STEM Ambassadors has been training to run a primary school science club in the Lent term, as one of their Other Half choices. The team has researched suitable activities, discussed resources with the science technicians, learnt about risk assessments and designed feedback and evaluation questionnaires for the primary pupils. This week they carried out a pilot activity with a group of first year volunteers so that they could practice their teaching skills on a live, but friendly audience. The first years were really helpful and provided some very useful feedback for further refinement of the science club sessions. The STEM Ambassadors will now finalise their plans and advertise the science club to ASP's partner primary schools in the Abingdon district, ready to deliver a series of six sessions next term. Some of the Ambassadors will be able to use this for the Volunteering aspect of their Duke of Edinburgh Award, and all of them are also documenting evidence of their activities for submission for British Science Association CREST Awards.