24 March 2022

Twenty Abingdon delegates had the opportunity to attend, and participate in, the 9th Annual MUN conference held at MCS in Oxford. After two years of mainly online activities, we were delighted to be back together and participating alongside twenty five other schools from across the UK.

Delegates discussed a wide range of topics across the committees and ICJ including human rights abuses in Russia and Tibet, vaccine distribution, cryptocurrency regulation, Iran’s nuclear program and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Abingdon represented delegations from China, Italy and Israel and, as always, the standard of debate and discussion was high with our students notching up an impressive number of best delegate and highly commended awards.

Our students also felt incredibly fortunate to be able to listen to, and ask questions of, guest speaker, Miss Sveto Muhammed Ishoq – an Afghan women’s rights activist and Afghanistan’s first Schwarzman Scholar. Sveto spoke passionately about her ongoing work highlighting women’s rights issues in Afghanistan and the education of women and girls.

Congratulations should also go to our own Secretary General, Owen Henney, who did a sterling job of co-chairing one of the committees over the weekend and delivered his round-up in rhyme at the closing ceremony.

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