16 November 2017

The first joint Lower School event of the year took place today at St Helen's in the form of a dinner debate. A team from St Helen's argued for the motion that 'This house would rather be brave and poor than cowardly and rich', with a group from Abingdon (Jim Allen, Aahaan Sharma and Oliver Smith) opposing. After some excellent speeches and some thought provoking points from the floor, the motion was narrowly defeated by a mere two votes. 

A scratch balloon debate then took place with speakers representing different professions arguing for why they should be the ones to stay in the hot air balloon – in a somewhat surprising move it was decided that the rappers (Lachlan Borthwick and Alastair Gray) were more deserving of the final place than those representing teachers, scientists, and nurses! The evening concluded with further discussion over pizza and ice cream.

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