18 June 2020
The Remote Lower School Gala Concert went live yesterday evening – an Abingdon first! Although this has been a challenging time for many, the lower school students have not allowed this to curtail their artistic vibrancy and many of them have put together fantastic performances for this event.
The performances included a kazoo quartet, playing glasses, self-made music videos, classical performances, self-made rock bands and the ever popular house singing 2019 winning performance.
It has been really heartening to see so many of the Lower School continue to use music as an artistic outlet, especially given the circumstances they find themselves in. It is testament to their dedication and enthusiasm for musical performances that they took it upon themselves to practise, record and submit these performances, and for that they should be applauded.
Well done to all the students who performed in this concert. I hope it was as rewarding for them to see their hard work as it was for me to put the performances together. Keep up the good work Lower School!
Adam Treadaway, Teacher of Music