9 June 2020
The team of Science Ambassadors who faithfully run the Primary Science Club for local children every Tuesday in term time have continued with determination to bring fun science to their customers, lockdown or not.
They still continue to meet remotely every week, discussing and allocating tasks, testing activities and then writing up instruction sheets to be shared via a dedicated Primary Science Club page on the Abingdon Science Partnership website.
Two new activities have been posted recently, one on Soil Analysis by Jake Wallis, in the Lower Sixth and one on making Invisible Ink with lemon juice by Alexandre Peuch, in the Fifth Year. Alexandre also recorded a really impressive instructional video to explain the activity and some of the science behind it.
A recent review of the analytics for the ASP website shows a total of 324 different individuals visited it during May showing that it is proving to be a useful way of sharing resources with partners both locally and further afield.