14 July 2017
One of the Royal Institution of Great Britain's famous science lectures came to the Amey Theatre this week, hosted by the Ogden Trust's Abingdon Primary Science Partnership. Over four hundred pupils from five local schools enjoyed a day of lively demonstrations and explanations about electricity and magnetism. This was a very appropriate topic as the first Royal Institution Christmas Lectures were given by Michael Faraday, famous for his own research and inventions based on these phenomena. The enthusiastic presenter, Dr Emma King, had a busy day with a primary school show in the morning, a secondary show for Year 7 and 8 from Fitzharrys School in the afternoon, followed by a professional development workshop for primary teachers and, finally, an evening, community show for the general public called 'Bringing Science to Life'. It was a fun and educational day and a fitting end to Abingdon Science Partnership events for this academic year.