21 November 2017
The annual FASBC Quiz and Curry Night took place in the school dining hall with over 120 people taking part in 20 teams. We had great representation from the coaches, parents and boys from all years. The tables quickly formed around the year groups with the boys forming their own tables to challenge the adults.
Helen Pearson provided the format for the quiz (devised by husband Steve) which included eight traditional rounds and three alternative rounds (provided by Simon Peacock) ensuring everyone could contribute to the team. David Bermingham opened the event, hinting at a ‘theme’ for the evening. David continued to do a fantastic job compering and keeping the teams entertained. Half way through we enjoyed a delicious curry, pudding and coffee to accompany the FASBC bar. This also gave a great opportunity for everyone to pick up some Christmas presents from the FASBC merchandise table.
After success in previous years the coaches were expected to put in a strong performance and they were looking good for the win at the dinner break. However, soon after dinner, David revealed the twist: the team that came second would be awarded the win following the ‘second’ theme of the questions!
By the end of the evening “The Alternative Facts” were awarded the star prize for coming second with the coaches taking the moral victory (and special wooden spoons) by being the top scoring team. The boys team named “I’m Coming for you Belmont” played a clever tactical game (we think!) to come intentionally last and walk away with the chocolates.
The event is one of the key fund raising events of the year and we’d like to thank everyone that helped set up, run the event and clean up.