On Tuesday 21 January 160 pupils, parents and staff attended the inaugural Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Certificate Presentation Evening. The event provided an excellent opportunity to celebrate the success of Abingdon pupils on the DofE scheme.

The certificates were presented by guest speaker, journalist and author of fell running classic Feet in the Clouds, Richard Askwith. Richard gave an inspiring talk on the demands and joys of fell running, the extraordinary athletes of the past, his personal quest to complete the Bob Graham Round and his love of the Lake District. He highlighted the significance of the DofE Award in providing unforgettable experiences that facilitate personal growth.

In the afternoon, The Martlet enjoyed the opportunity to meet and pose questions to Richard. Having held numerous editorial positions across a range of national newspapers, Richard gave The Martlet tips and advice for improving the publication and also agreed to an interview with the editor, Tristan, and designer, Henry. Richard offered many fascinating insights into the digitisation of journalism, the role of social media as a ‘news’ source and a genuine look inside a national newsroom.

There is still time for anyone who has not quite completed their DofE award to get it finished. Pupils are encouraged to attend the Tuesday and Friday morning drop-in clinics in S102 for help.

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