7 May 2020
Speaking about VE Day, the Headmaster, Michael Windsor said,
“The 75th anniversary of VE Day will give us the chance to reflect upon the sacrifices that many made during the Second World War, including the 49 Old Abingdonians who gave their lives in the conflict. At this time of crisis, I am sure that the celebrations of VE Day will remind us how countries and communities pulled together 75 years ago, just as we need to do now.”
As a school, we are no longer able to come together for our VE Day 75 commemorations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we refuse to let this important date pass us by, and so Abingdon School CCF cadets are ‘saluting’ to say thank you.
Below is an extract from the British Legion website:
75 years ago households across Britain eagerly awaited news that after six years of conflict, the war in Europe was over. The news finally came and 8 May, 1945 was declared Victory in Europe Day.
Communities across the country came together to celebrate, but war wasn’t over for everyone and the day held mixed emotions for some. Millions of lives had been lost, homes and cities destroyed, and people all over Europe had been displaced by the conflict. But after years of uncertainty and living in fear it was one day that everyone came together to mark the start of new beginnings.
This Friday marks 75 years since that historic day. As we remember the struggles the war time generation faced, this year’s anniversary feels particularly poignant, as we too are experiencing an uncertain and difficult time ourselves. But as the nation pulls together, and many make sacrifices to help others, we can look to the Second World War generation and learn from their resilience, determination and hope for better days to come.