23 February 2017
It was a very active and productive first half of Lent term for the boys in the Boat Club.
Third years had their introduction to the sport and have made good progress learning the new skill. The FASBC laid on a superb tea party for the new third year parents and they now look forward to their first race against the crews of St Edward’s this weekend and will then race at the National Junior Sculling head at the end of March.
Fourth years returned to the boathouse to start their sweep rowing careers. Some fierce competition in their matched VIIIs saw them finish 2nd at Wycliffe Head and they move on now to focus on their next races. Hammersmith Head and Schools Head.
Fifth form picked up a good win and 2nd place at Wycliffe Head, and performed well in a coxed four at Henley Head, finishing second. Connor Brown attended Great Britain Junior Team trials and was first in a double scull.
The senior group picked up a win at Wycliffe Head and a good 2nd place for the 2nd VIII and will now finalise selection of 1st and 2nd VIII.
Four boys: Stuart Pearson, Jamie Sudlow, Robert Kinnier Wilson and Jack Lewis achieved the GB Junior team ergo score to attend the February Great Britain Junior Team trials.
The J15, J16s and Senior boats will now race at Hammersmith Head and the National Schools Head at the end of March.