24 January 2017
Yesterday a group of 16 third years went to the University of Birmingham for the Physics Big Quiz 2017. The students were given a tour of campus, and then went to the Aston Webb Hall, where graduations are held and where the quiz was to take place. There was a word search at the beginning, and then six rounds. Heat, Light, What am I (e.g scientific instruments, labs etc), Who am I (e.g famous or significant scientists), Electromagnetism and Quantum Physics. At the end of each round the answers were given, so everyone learned a lot from their mistakes. Before lunch there was a talk about gravitational waves; it was interesting and informative. In the end, the Abingdon teams did really well and one even got a prize for getting one of the bonus questions right! Overall, everyone had lot of fun and it was a great experience for everyone.
Nicholas Raptakis