21 March 2017
The Singers’ platform this year featured a programme that demonstrated the quality and variety of singing at Abingdon School. The concert featured repertoire ranging from Bach and Purcell, through Schubert, up to Britten, and included Jazz and a song from the musical Oliver!. Mr Yeats, Abingdon School’s singing teacher accompanied all the performances and directed proceedings from the piano.
The first half opened with a stunning rendition of On The Street Where You Live and Cry Me A River (Jack Harvey) and was followed with repertoire by Faure (Brooklyn Han), Duparc (Hamish Garland), Bach (Cameron Thomson), Schubert (Patrick Cole and Carl Olavesen), Finzi and Gurney (Jamie Farrow). Carl Olavesen’s performance of Schubert’s ‘Der Doppleganger’ was particularly haunting. The first half was brought to a close with a dramatic account of ‘I’m reviewing the situation’ from Oliver! by Reuben Havelock.
The second half featured some more accomplished performances of Schubert and Bach as well as some Poulenc, Britten (Jamie Farrow) and Purcell (Brooklyn Han). Jamie Farrow ended the concert with a stunning rendition of The Choirmaster’s Burial by Britten. It was exciting to hear three of our upper sixth music students this evening. This was an ideal dry-run before their upcoming A2 recitals.
This was yet another marvellous concert. Our thanks must go to Andrew Yeats for all his hard work with his students and to all the singers for an enjoyable evening of music.