24 June 2019

It has been an extremely exciting year for Art and Design at Abingdon. In September BBC Art editor Will Gompertz opened our new facilities in Beech Court. In his key note speech he enthused about how important it was for our students to think and work creatively for companies – especially in our current political climate.

This year our students have worked extremely hard to raise their performance in art improving their skills in drawing, developing ideas and final outcomes. I am delighted with the work that they have all presented for our exhibition at the Celebration of the Arts Festival.

This year we have had 5 A-level students moving on to some of the top universities to study fine art, product design and architecture. They have done exceptionally well to meet the examination board's assessment criteria.  

The GCSE students also displayed some very high quality work. Their exam topic this year was Reflection. Some highlights from their exhibition included a sculpture of a fish made from sun glass lenses and exceptional photography albums. I also feel the quality of drawing and recording has improved at the school.

The Celebration of Art was well attended by parents and students and the teachers across all the arts subjects exhibited some brilliant student work. The events this year at Beech Court have helped strengthen the importance of creativity. We are positively moving forward at Abingdon School.  

I would like to thank all students, parents and teachers for their support this year. 

Written by Mr Williamson

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