9 October 2018
Here is an account from Alex in Year 7 concerning their year group’s trip to the Roman baths in Bath.
“On Friday 5 October, Year 7 went on a trip to the Roman bath house in Bath. We left at 8.40 to go on our trip. We went on a coach and it was a 90 minute journey. When we got there we departed from the bus and made our way to the baths and had our snack in the grounds of Bath Abbey.
We entered the building and got given an audio guide to listen to facts about the Roman baths. We first entered the balcony on the top floor and saw the Great Bath beneath us. After that we went downstairs and saw many artefacts and were given a talk about some of the things that have been excavated at the site and what the inscriptions tell us about the people who visited there in Roman times. We also drank some of the spa water – which was horrible!
Once we had finished the tour we looked around the gift shop and then headed to a room nearby, where we had our lunch. After that we headed home after a great day at the Roman bath houses.”