We encourage all our children to develop a love and appreciation of music. We adapt our teaching to capture their imagination whether it be Djembé drumming, a cantata performance at Christ Church Cathedral or one of our seven annual productions across all year groups.

Music features widely across the curriculum and Other Half activities. It is multicultural, with many different ensembles from the traditional orchestra, string and choir groups to folk, wind and jazz bands, guitar, strings, keyboard and music technology. We also have 16 visiting music specialists who specialise in a wide range of instruments, from bassoon and voice to drums and saxophone.

We want every Abingdon Prep pupil to learn to enjoy music and to experience as wide a range as possible irrespective of their ability.

There is plenty of opportunity to perform whether it’s at the informal termly Concert Platforms in front of a family audience, or to a full house at Abingdon School’s Amey Theatre or the opening solo in the carol concert at St Helen’s Church.

For those with a particular talent, we have a comprehensive programme of music scholarship preparation with pupils consistently winning awards to their senior schools each year. We also host ABRSM exams and enter pupils for Trinity exams.

If you would like further information about music at Abingdon Prep please email our Director of Music on: [email protected]

You can also view the music curriculum by year group.