26 February 2021
Having had a ‘dry run’ prior to the half-term holiday in the Inter Year Group Virtual Challenge, our boys were refreshed from the break and primed for our fixture on Wednesday versus Beachborough School. With the ‘cold snap’ gone and the temperatures, dare I say ‘balmy’. Our boys were up to the challenge of surpassing the 1,000km target set by Ashley.
By Wednesday afternoon the respective year group spreadsheets were bursting with evidence of frenzied activities; run, walk, hack and cycle! During the evening the distances kept coming and by Thursday registration, the last batches arrived and official counting started.
The overall result was as follows:
Team Beachborough: 1, 513km
Team Abingdon Prep: 1, 395km
Thanks to Beachborough for joining us in a day of healthy active fun. The overall results were very close and between both schools with over 500 children engaged and contributed to the virtual event. Very well done to Beachborough and we hope to balance the scoresheet on the cricket pitches next term!