Tennis coaching is provided by a company called ‘Premier Tennis’. The aims of Premier Tennis are to: Provide high quality coaching with great attention to detail, always maintain a sensible and professional coach to player ratio and educate the players that tennis is an all-round sport with fantastic skills to be learnt.

The charge is £6.50 per lunchtime session per pupil and will be applied to each pupil’s termly account in arrears. Please note that a charge for all sessions for the term will be applied regardless of sessions attended unless a pupil has been attending a school generated fixture or event and is unable to attend the activity for that reason.

There are invitation clubs for Years 5-8 run by the sports department aimed at preparing children for inter house matches. There is no charge for these clubs.

Introduction to Tennis

An opportunity to experience the initial skills involved in tennis, from bouncing balls and catching them to developing racket and ball control in order to complete a mini rally. There is no charge for these sessions.

* Friday sessions are chargeable as the coaching is provided by an external company (Tuesday sessions carry no charge as they are run by APS).

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