17 March 2016
Four members of 8R took part in the regional Salter Festival of Chemistry today held at Oxford University Department of Chemistry. 16 schools took part in the day which consisted of two taxing chemical challenges. The morning challenge was a forensic practical set by the Salter company which involved chromatography and identification of metal salts to find the murderer. The boys worked in pairs and pooled results. The tricky afternoon team challenge was set by the University and involved making a circuit including a magnesium strip which had to be eaten through by acid in a set time. This needed methodical preparation for the final timed run. The boys were observed and judged throughout the practicals too for good skills and health & safety, not just the end result. Afterwards we were treated to a chemistry show given by our host Dr Stewart, during which he made ice-cream using liquid nitrogen which all the pupils got to taste. Our quartet took second place in the University Challenge – well done to our team!