5 July 2018
Year 7 experienced an intriguing and captivating courtroom scenario with Lynne being prosecuted for stealing two bottles of wine totalling £100 each. John Vardy was judge for the afternoon and he and his fellow co-workers orchestrated the event, as well as Lynne and Anne – of course.
All of the 42 Year 7 boys got jobs including: an usher, eight barristers who had to cross-examine each witness and make their own speeches for the prosecution or defence of the defendant, four witnesses and multiple artists. The two juries, made up of 12 people each came to two different decisions.
One found ‘Jane Pilpher’ to be guilty with all barring one member of that jury believing the defendant to be guilty, but the other jury was hung with seven members saying that she was guilty and five saying that she was innocent (there has to be at least ten for or against for the prosecution to pass). The judge's sentence was confinement to Abingdon Prep until 6 July and then she will be free to go.
In conclusion it was a fun afternoon and a great experience for everyone involved.